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The Trails Of Blood Leading Us Home {Tigerlily/Cowboy}
Finally arriving at home which is a cottage like house. She knocked the door, "Flora it's me...Foria." Her golden dragon sister opened the door and sighing.

"When will you ever stop coming home late?" She lightly tapped her ladle on her sister's head. "Seriously, you need to stop picking on guys."

"Says a woman who is single with a baby..." Foria sneered staring at the blue dragon with glasses. "How's the little fella coming along?"

"FOR your information! I'm not a baby!" Dorno declared fixing his brown glasses.

"Whatever twerp." The white canine shrugged her shoulders and messing up the blue dragon's hair. Lazily laying on the sofa tirelessly.

"Seriously, what happened?" Flora continued to tapped Foria's forehead, this time a lot harder.

"Ow! Okay okay, I met this...guy and I gave him my phone number." She then stick her tongue.


"Well.....Damien's number." Foria grinned evilly.
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RE: The Trails Of Blood Leading Us Home {Tigerlily/Cowboy} - by tigerlily - 03-20-2009, 05:41 AM