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The Trails Of Blood Leading Us Home {Tigerlily/Cowboy}
"Excuse me?" Foria glared at him but, the bulldog bartender interrupted her by clearing his throat.

"Foria...please don't or I don't have to call Flora again for messing up this bin young ma'am. The bulldog glared taking the gold cold and bowed softly at him knowing he's from a royal family. "And please don't disrespect the royality." He then propped a beer down to his place.

"Royality?" She looked up and down at him, he certainly doesn't look like he's from a high class society in fact he dress completely normal. However, she doesn't like stereo typing but she couldn't believe it. "I don't believe you." Foria crossed her arms like so.
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RE: The Trails Of Blood Leading Us Home {Tigerlily/Cowboy} - by tigerlily - 03-19-2009, 07:25 AM