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The Trails Of Blood Leading Us Home {Tigerlily/Cowboy}
Name: Foria Granell*last name is made up*
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Used to be dragon but now a Samoyed/Great Pyreness
Appearance: [Image: Foria.jpg]
Earth's grave: Calls upon the earth and crushing the opponent by sharp ground crust. It's also second strong earth magic move however; not the strongest.
Earth wall: Basically a ground barrier of a wall.
Fire bomb: Pretty much turn anything into combustible, for example if she chanted fire bomb while you hold a beer. It explodes, however she can't do it to people's body; only objects.
Fire fist: Basically creates a flames out of her fist to increase damage.
Brawling: She likes teasing, mostly around guys. However when she does picks up fights she won't mind teaching them a thing or two.
Measurements: 44 DD size breasts
Parents: No parents.
Siblings: Flora and Drako*ghost*, and Damien*another ghost*
Background: She has no parents but, been taking care of by her older sister Flora a golden female dragon and two older ghosts whom accidentally summon by Flora, Drako*a great dane* and Damien *albatross*. She spends time and time wondering around the city and then goes back to her homeland to stay. Mostly wondering the city causing mayhem.
Other: She's a teaser, there are times she may be alittle flirty but, other times you don't know what the heck she'll be thinking next!
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RE: The Trails Of Blood Leading Us Home {Tigerlily/Cowboy} - by tigerlily - 03-19-2009, 05:26 AM