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The Fall//Before the Fall
Hi all.

This is, as I've mentioned in my fabulously Ur-Me intro-post, a little idea that I've had for years that's slowly been undergoing changes, and more changes, until I have a little core of what I want, and only a small idea of how to get there.

The main fic, of course, is The Fall. It will detail the rapid sliding of events from sort of stable to all out chaos, to the silent dirge of a dead world.

a world survived by three- or perhaps six, which potentially is my favourite, and most obscure citric combination ever. Moreover, The Fall starts out fast. The prequal, Before the Fall would not necessarily be so much of a straight fic, as a series of journal entries. All sorts fall through the cracks of a dying world, afterall, and some even survive into the next.

The world of The Fall is Digimon Adventure 02, but a slightly AU 02. The events of Adventure happened as normally, albeit in an enriched form- specifically that everything was more detailed then what we saw on TV. Perhaps even to the point of a plot point. Mayhap.

The story strives, almost from the begining, to show how frantic things are. I'll be using a mish and a mash of the japanese and english names- but usually when those english names are mysterious short forms of the japanese ones- localizations for some. But I digress. As I was saying, the story strives to show how frantic things are.

Because how else do you show that the world is dying- right up to the point that in the first chapter, nearly everyone and everything you knew has gone. There's no enemy for the Digidestined to fight, and those enemies they know aren't behind the calamity.

I'll be drawing some links between characters, and using a sometime seen plot device in order to progress the story, as well as saving me from writing the usual interactions when one does a crossover work (except, canocally, it's not technically a crossover. Nope)

And now time for what we've all been waiting for. The brief time outline. I'll be adding more detail to it as they occur to me, but for now a skeletal frame ought to do.

1. OTL, Digimon 02 'starts' with the death of Osamu, Ken's elder brother, and Ken's entry onto the path that will take him to become the Digital Emperor.
2. Takeru begins receiving a series of strange, half written emails in a strange but familiar prose. He attempts to track them down, but only discovers that they're coming from a point within the digital world that 'no longer exists'
3. Gennai dies. He leaves behind assorted 'presents' for the digidestined, including several for digidestined who haven't been discovered yet. But in his last letter, he names them. The main group decides to try and seek out these new digidestined, but doesn't have that much luck.
4. Something breaks through the protection on the Digital World, shattering the lingering power of the Crests. However, Hope and Light return to their tags, dim, but still intact.
5. Ken discovers the distortion that's destroying the world, and begins enacting measures to protect against it.
6. Hikari begins randomly transitioning into the Dark World, where the inhabitants try to warn her about.... something.
7. Davis falls through a digital gate, and meets Veemon. The OTL beginning of 02 starts to occur at an accelerated pace. The new digidestined find their partners, and with the 'gifts' from Gennai, begin tracking down the something that broke the crests' protection on the Digital World.
8. Agumon is infected with a strange virus, but is otherwise unchanged.
9. Takeru returns home from school one afternoon to find a Black Gear embedded in his wall. He calls Patamon, and returns to File Island in search of the Black Gear Works.
10. The semi-OC previously unknown digidestined 'Nanashi' meets up with Takeru in the digital world, claiming to be investigating some series of events and searching for his missing partner.
11. They discover the Black Gear Works, but Nanashi continues to display near impossible knowledge about the digital world. He only claims that his partner taught him.
12. Hikari finally gets a conclusive answer out of the inhabitants of the Dark World, but finds that she can no longer transit back to the Real World. The Dark World inhabitants find her an old, nearly shattered digital gate, and her digivice interfaces with it- it upgrades to the 02 digivice form, and activates the gate, sending her flying into the digital world. She finds herself drifting in the deletion space- the place she experienced when Apocalymon attempted to delete all the Digidestined.
13. Davis and those of the digidestined present with him begin battling the Virus Seeker, an ancient, world travelling machine. It attempts to purge their 'infection' but doing so only breaks the barrier against regular digievolution.
14. Nanashi and Takeru grow to become friends, even though Nanashi is quite strange for a digidestined. Patamon discovers that Time is falling out of alignment, and there are periods of 'fast time' and otherwise, allowing for a longer journey in a smaller length of time.
15. Ken discovers the vortex, and begins setting up equipment to break through the missing dataspace at its heart. He is... much more noble and cynical then the OTL Digital Emperor.
16. Anubismon discovers Hikari in the Deletion Space, and attempts to reap her. However, he is interrupted by Gatomon, accompanied with a digimon clad in a dark cloak that Gatomon claims rescued her from the same fate. This strange digimon, who refuses to let them see his face or know his name, tells them that they're protected here. And that 'he' should be along shortly. The Deletion Space starts shaking, and the unknown digimon announces that the world is ending.

18. The Fall begins. The Digital Sovereigns declare that it's time they 'leave' and that, while the loss is regrettable, it is 'required' for their 'plan'. They are stopped by a swarm of Black Gears, and the forces of the Digital Emperor. Ken announces that he cannot allow them to transition the boundries of the world- moreover, that he will not allow them. Combat ensues.
19. Ken returns from battle with the Sovereigns, barely intact. He enacts his plan to breach through to the missing dataspace in the center of the Vortex. He leaves the equipment running, and returns home to be with his family through the only functioning Earth-Digiworld gate left in existence. As expected, Earth is shaking apart, and the sky is filled with digital worlds.
20. Takeru and Nanashi (and Patamon) transit across the Wall of Fire to the heart of the Maelstrom/Vortex just as the missing Dataspace is breached. Takeru is reunited with Hikari and Gatomon- and Nanashi meets up with his partner. Takeru recognizes that partner, feeling all at once out of place and betrayed by his 'friend' Nanashi, who explains quietly that he is infact it, the result of the that digimon undergoing a fission process in order to create an agent to free him- and them- from the Deletion Zone/Missing Dataspace.
21. The world ends, and falls into darkness. It is not a terribly lengthy process- to Takeru and Hikari, it is as simple as all the lights going out. Their dimly glowing crests protect them from falling away into the Abyss, while Nanashi and the unknown digimon merge. Gatomon announces that she feels strange, and the fused Nanashi in an oh so familiar voice, announces that it's because the datasphere has gone.

DEUS EX MACHINA TIME: AKA, I couldn't really think of a reasonable way for this to happen, so damnit, it's just going to happen.

22. The integrity of the digimon is failing- while the Crests remain intact and protecting the teens, both they and their digimon begin to feel like they're coming apart. Nanashi orders them to fuse- as he did. Takeru, rather unexpectedly, declares that he'll try- that Nanashi, even as he was deceiving them, never lied outright. The basic result is that Takeru and Patamon, and Hikari and Gatomon, undergo a sub-Mega Biomerge, which results in the teens taking on some of the aspects of their rookie/champion level partners, and getting a schizophrenic voice of their partners from their new home inside their mind.

23. Hikari spots a dimly glowing light in the distance, and the 'gift' from Gennai, a talisman of some sort begins to 'drag' her across the void towards it. Takeru follows, all while Nanashi chastises them saying that they'll never get to the new world like that. He casts open his cloak, clearly revealing that he's a fusion of human and, well, Devimon. He tells them that the Black Gears weren't merely for controlling digimon- they were a part of the world itself, and that they survive with him. He 'summons' three of them to take them to the dimly glowing point of light.

24. The odd trio breaches through the wall of light- which turns out to be a new, and curiously pristine Wall of Fire inside a digital temple. Upon arrival, Devimon announces that they need to leave (the digital world) before they're detected. As they transit into the Real World, the 'gifts' from Gennai transform into cards. Gaming Cards. Takeru also brings Devimon to reveal that he was the source of those strange emails. Hikari questions Takeru on this, but he refuses to show her. Mayhap blushing slightly and with a bit of a stammer. Yes...

We craft our wings from the ashes of our deeds, each feather a dream...

Messages In This Thread
The Fall//Before the Fall - by Kerrus - 03-18-2009, 04:27 PM