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After a good long absence I have returned and I bring with me a new RP idea. I have had this idea in my head for sometime now and I just had to at least get it started if nothing else. Now I intend to post as often as possible but my schedule is still slightly chaotic so if you don't hear anything for a day or two that is why. With that out of the way onto the RP.


One of the marks of a great artist is there ability to bring there work to life. Environments looks so real it seems like you are looking at a window. People so vivid that they seem to watch your movements or look like they might even be able to jump right off the canvas.

What if this was more than just skill. What if there were people who could bring drawings to life. What if they could continue to alter there creations seemingly bending reality to there will.

This is such a world.

Welcome to the world where a few individuals are granted immense power. Given the capability to rewrite the natural laws, bringing drawings to life to do as they wish. These beings are called Drawer's. However Drawer's only manifest in about 1 of every 1,000 to 2,000 humans born. In modern societies the large population of cities ensures that there could be several Drawer's active in the area while more rural areas consist of only one or two Drawer's but can hold more.

No one quite knows how many Drawer's there are total in the world nor how they even came to be. Some believe that an ancient group of otherworldy entities who drew upon the collective mental energies of mankind and created them as some sort of sick joke or for mere entertainment. Others believe Drawer's came about as a sort of random genetic mutation representing something humans might have become. Whatever the reason for there existence most believe the event that created them occurred in mankind's infancy where we were just beginning to create small societies.

Whatever the reason for there existence they now walk among us using there power's how they see fit. You might ask why no one has seen any of these Drawer's if they are capable of such feats. The answer is quite simple, each and every Drawer is cursed. Ever since they were born they have exuded an aura which causes them to be unnoticeable. This field grows in power as the Drawer reaches there time of awakening. As it grows people tend to forget the Drawer's name, their face, and other such things till not even there oldest friends and sometimes family members cease recognize them seeing them as a stranger. The strength of the field is proportional to the strength of the Drawer. Some of the strongest Drawer's find that after writing their name down on a piece of paper it vanishes as if it had never been. However Drawer's are not affected by another Drawer's field and thus can remember them and can even recognize another Drawer even if he or she shows no outward sign of their powers.

Such is the fate of all Drawer's. They grow up having their achievements ignored, their hard work forgotten, and their names vanishing from the minds of others. However hope is not completely lost as they can find comfort among others of there own kind who remember them and can relate to their suffering. Even this ray of hope is a mixed blessing. Being forgotten and unnoticed in a crowed does strange things to the minds of Drawer's. Most become violent and attack others on sight. Some just suffer from one of several mental diseases. However not all are plagued by such problems and can lead at least some form of a normal life.


Despite it all Drawer's are blessed with incredible power upon there awakening. On that day a Drawer gains their Avatar through which they channel their power. A Drawer can only have one Avatar but can make a new one should the old one perish as detailed below. Avatar's can come in many forms but generally appear in one of three categories.

Item: This Avatar type can be anything from a sword or staff, as large as a suit of armor or as small as a ring. No matter what alterations are given to this avatar it always looks like an inanimate object. While these Avatar's can be intelligent it is uncommon since such an Avatar can not easily do anything on it's own.

Animal: This Avatar takes the shape of an animal, weather or not that animal is extinct matters not. As with the item Avatar an animal Avatar can be altered but must remain in a animal form. While usually more intelligent than item Avatar's most tend to stay at animal level or near human, though they can easily be higher.

Humanoid: This Avatar takes on a mostly human shape in that it has at least two arms, two legs, and an identifiable head and body. Anything after that base is purely up to the Drawer. The most mutable of the Avatar's but like the others must remain in a humanoid form but can be hybrid versions of the previous two types. Usually the most intelligent of the various Avatar's but can be made even more intelligent or less so depending on the Drawer.

Gaining an Avatar: When a Drawer first awakens they have a powerful urge to draw something. This drawing becomes their Avatar. What it looks like as the drawing comes to life varies from Drawer to Drawer. A Drawer can add several alterations to their Avatar before it is brought to life however, these alterations still count toward the total alterations possible for an Avatar.

Altering an Avatar: To alter an Avatar the player must state that the Drawer is doing so. It takes about 4 posts, the start of the alteration counting, for the drawing to be finished and take effect. It should also be noted that the Drawer must have some form of medium to draw on and something to draw on that medium. This can be anything from pencil and paper to even the Drawer's own blood on the ground. When a Drawer attempts to use there power without drawing it on something not only does the alteration fail but it can even lead to madness. Each Avatar can only be altered eight times however no matter there skill, this does not include their primary form, before their form becomes unstable and they fall apart.

Self-Alteration: Some skilled Drawer's are capable of a different form of there power. Instead of changing their Avatar they have learned to change themselves. However the human body is not meant to handle such radical changes to their form. Because of this a Drawer can only alter themselves four times or risk falling apart much like their Avatar would after the eighth alteration. Performing a self-alteration takes the same amount of time as it would to alter an Avatar.

Eraser: In the event that a Drawer's Avatar is destroyed something snaps in the mind of a Drawer. When this happens a Drawer's power shifts, changing from the ability to create anything to the capability to destroy anything. These beings are called Eraser's and they are usually violently insane. An Eraser destroys objects by first drawing them then erasing parts of the drawing, this takes the same amount of time as drawing an alteration. This causes the same parts on the real object to similarly vanish as if it had been yanked off of them. This change occurs because the bond between Drawer and Avatar is a powerful thing partly due to the Drawer's curse aura. However the chance of this happening varies depending on the type of Avatar. Drawer's with item Avatar's rarely become Erasers while Drawer's with Humanoid Avatar's almost always become Erasers upon the Avatar's death. This process can be reversed however and afterwords a Drawer can retain a small amount of there Eraser abilities along with gaining a new Avatar if they so wish. This is usually only a resistance to the effects of other Eraser's but the capability to delete things remaining can happen.

Gaining back an Avatar: If a Drawer loses their Avatar, for whatever reason, they can get one back. If they became an Eraser after the Avatar's death then they must first become more sane and calm before they can make a new one. A new Avatar cannot be the same as the old one. Drawer's that attempt to do so quickly find that the Avatar's mind is fractured due to the Drawer's gaps in the original's memories and personalities. Such Avatar's quickly have mental breakdowns and die again. While an Avatar can be given the same form and personalities as the old one it will have none of the memories and most Drawer's do not want to have to experience such an event.

Death of a Drawer: Upon the death of a Drawer all of the current, if any, alterations on themselves end. Also their Avatar begins to lose power and eventually fades to nothing as well. This occurs since it is mainly the Drawer that keeps the Avatar's form intact and without it there is nothing left to tie an Avatar to this reality.

General RP Rules
1. No Godmodding. I know that you are allowed to alter reality but please be reasonable with it. For instance you can't have God as your Avatar our give your Avatar godlike power's and resistances.

2. No controlling of other Player's characters. That is of course if you have spoken to that other player and they have allowed you to do so. However if one of your characters has mind affecting abilities you can say that a powerful suggestion is affecting a character. That character can say that they override the affect but no one will be able to completely resist all mental attacks which refers to rule 1.

3. You can have about 4 characters not including there Avatars, if they have any. You can however, with permission from another player, play as the Avatar of another player but it would count as your 4 total characters.

4. Characters can die in this RP. However do not go overboard with this. While characters can die please make sure that the owner of said character is fine with it. Also make sure to treat injuries realistically, for instance a character missing there torso should die unless one of their abilities is insane levels of endurance.

5. Sex. Yes this is allowed but make sure it does not interfere in the plot too much.

6. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE! No matter what this is for fun so try not to take things too seriously.

Character Sheets to follow
Character Sheets


Age: (must be at least 18)
Self-Alterations: (If your character has not done and self-alterations you can leave this space blank)


Avatar Type:
Avatar Base Form: (This is the form first given to the Avatar. While it can have powers of its own please do not overdo it. For example the base form can have strength, speed, and endurance far above normal or it could wield guns, swords, have slightly above normal abilities, and some psychic powers. However it must either have one or the other never both at the same time.)
Avatar Name: (not necessary)
Avatar Sex: (only applies to humanoid and animal. Not completely necessary for animal.)
Personality: (only applies if your Avatar is moderately intelligent. An animal type with animal level intelligence can have a personality but it will be simple.)
Alterations: (not necessary but you can add some depending on how long you want your Drawer to have been awakened.)

Messages In This Thread
Draw - by Digi_Lord - 03-14-2009, 01:12 PM
RE: Draw - by arahabaki - 03-14-2009, 03:47 PM
RE: Draw - by Digi_Lord - 03-16-2009, 04:58 PM
RE: Draw - by Diva - 04-26-2009, 12:15 PM
RE: Draw - by Casey the furry one - 04-27-2009, 12:51 AM