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Pok'emon Rp Tigerlily and Marrie's!
OCC: Um flying does normal damage on steel/bug seeing as it's a steel which takes half damage from flying, but if it's a steel/bug the flying does normal damage to it.

"Haaa....haaa..." Moonlight was panting very hard, not from the battle they fought but, from the extreme heat that is unleashing inside of her. "I' a heat..." The Umbreon exclaimed. "Please..." she pushed the pidgey more to satisfy him.


"Damn! I should've knowned he would do that..." Sci painfully said falling down to ground, faint. "You...won, but this ain't over." As he disappeared from what's left from his energy.

Tigermew opened her eyes slightly, "Maru?" the pink cat looked around, her voice sounding more weak.


The lopunny then started to licked around the shaft's head enjoying the taste of the hot flesh that was produced from the lizard's cock. "Mmmm, delicious Chad."
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RE: Pok'emon Rp Tigerlily and Marrie's! - by tigerlily - 02-28-2009, 05:25 AM