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Pok'emon Rp Tigerlily and Marrie's!
Moonlight shooked off the wave, a purple wave then starting to surround her and unleash psychic against him, it was a powerful psychic energy lifting him up and tossing him against the tree knocking him down.


"But you don't want to play with me!" she sobbed, she didn't whine it was a sad voice. Her arms around her chest feeling so bad and the Salamence probably all he cares about is fighting. "I thought I would play with a guy like with you...but, you don't like me because all you ever want is fight...." The pink mew continued to sob.


"Ohhh...I'm sorry I am going too fast aren't I?" She blushed embarrassingly picking up the peachpa and gave it to him. "Here you go. Take it."


The scizor cocked his head in all confusion wondering why is she's hiding. "Are you up to something? Cause if you are, I'm afraid I won't leave until I get some answers."
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RE: Pok'emon Rp Tigerlily and Marrie's! - by tigerlily - 02-25-2009, 05:20 AM