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Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon)
Saito and Hiroki’s apartment~

Kitmon smiled a bit, looking at the clothes she had picked out, the shirt wouldn’t be as tight on him as he was a little smaller than his older twin Vixmon. He quickly frowned thought seeing the pacifier and the mittens.

Saito looked at her a bit proud that she had picked some ok clothing for Kitmon to wear, though he’d never wear them out in public, something that Puddlemon would learn if she tired to take him out like that.” Those are al good choices, Puddlemon, except leave the paci and mittens out. I have his favorite paci in the bathroom and I was planning to gett him some new mittens soon.” He said, much to Kitmon’s chargin.

~Ice Cream Shop~

Hiroki knew instantly when Eaglemon messed his diaper, though she had purposefully put him in thicker diapers so they’d last longer before warranting a change. He was gonna hafta to wait awhile before getting a change and he’d probably mess one or tow more times before then. She was really gonna punish for being mean.

~Mall Daycare~

Vixmon huffed a bit as she listened to Terriermon, she looked more than a tiny bit pissed at the moment. She looked to the side at her soon-to be-father-in-law and nodded.

Patamon looked about defiant but he knew it wouldn’t be worth it to kill Terriermon and plus that’s not what the digidestines did. He looked over at Vixmon and nodded back at her signaling his willingness to not kill Terriermon.

~Mall Mini Hospital~

Nekomon actually jumped when he saw the Biyomon, afraid she was the Sora’s Biyomon, that is until he noticed her blue coloration and nurses out fit. He looks up at her the best he can as she asked his name.” Um,*sniffle* Nekomon.” He said a bit shyly not aware that Gomamon is here.

[Image: 2vbkgfm.jpg]
puppies and digimon rule

Creative Minds

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RE: Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon) - by nekomon - 02-21-2009, 05:01 PM