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Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon)
~Saito and Hiroki’s apartment~

Puddlemon thinks things over and see's they are right. "Well does my baby want to wear the pretty dress thing that I found for her?" She asks showing Vixmon's very sissy looking dress. Then she asks. "Whats a crib lock?"

~Ice Cream Shop~

Eaglemon shack his head no he don't want the others to see him get spanked after seeing him all babied up already. Time went on as Hiroki, Wolfmon, Swanmon, and Foxmon ate ice cream and he didn't get any that made him annoyed but he was just getting to drink some milk from a baby bottle. It was 20 minutes until his tummy again started to bother him in the way it did before and he starts to wiggle and shack like mad in Hiroki's arms to get away from the others before he made browines again! (LOL ^_^)

~Mall Daycare~

Gatomon leaps at Terriermon and tackles him to the floor hissing at him and baring her claws to his face as Nekomon was really crying now from the dislocated tail. The Daycare Lady hands Nekomon to one of the assistants and she takes him to the Malls mini hospital to see if they can help him. Gatomon looks ready to kill. "Your a DEADMON!" Just before Gatomon was about to strike the daycare lady takes Terriermon into her arms and tells him how evil he really is then like the others strips him naked, spanked him very hard with the small cane leaving horrable welt marks then shoves a huge bar of soap in his sobbing mouth then plants his sore checks on a stool facing the corner close to Vixmon and Patamon.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon) - by Tank Cop - 02-20-2009, 03:33 PM