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Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon)
Kitmon was getting a little annoyed he was playing the role of the baby before because he liked it but now Puddlemon was going overboard, he liked the occasional girly or frilly accessories added to his outfits he didn't deny that but he almost never liked to flat out dress like a girl. He wanted Puddlemon to respect his wish with this little game, too or he would have to end this soon but first he would try to talk calmly to her. He took a deep breath and let it out." Puddlemon, I understand that you wanna be a mommy, but doing it the way Susie does it is wrong and I don't like it. If you can't play nice then I'll have to quit and send you home to your tamer." He said to her in a calm voice as he gave a serious look that showed he ment what he was saying.

~Ice Cream Shop~

Hiroki listen to what Wolfmon had to say without interrupting him. She did feel sorry for them and she felt Eaglemon need to be punished for what he did. She looked at both Wolfmon and Foxmon, wondering what they could have done privately that was that bad, only one thought came to mind and it cause her to blushed darkly and stammer a bit.” Um, W..what was that he found o..out?” she asked them so she could figure what the severity of Eaglemon’s punishment should be.” I mean I curious and I need to know for punishment reasons.” She continued and kept blushing a bit.

~Mall Daycare~

Nekomon yelped a bit from the swat to his rear and winced but he calmed down and started to be good, having a new strategy. He whimpered a bit and did something that no other digimon of his species could do; he bent his tail at a very unpleasant and dangerous looking angle and showed it to her. He softened his voice til it sounded like a scared little kitten.” Ms, He really did hurt my tail and I only hit him back to defend myself cause he was about to hurt me again. I think he may have broken it…” He said to her looking up, tears in his ear, and his whimpering got a bit louder.

[Image: 2vbkgfm.jpg]
puppies and digimon rule

Creative Minds

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RE: Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon) - by nekomon - 02-09-2009, 11:29 AM