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Eternal Lecherous Calamity - MK. XII - Chapter 47 - Verse 8: Altima/Ray
Giro's tail arched over his back, quivering slightly before becoming still. "Just go already. Don't sugarcoat it, just get in there, knock that fuckin' key out, then back the fuck away." He ordered through gritted fangs. His tailhole was almost painfully tight. His powerful regenerative factor had it so no matter how many times his mistress 'tortured' him, he was always as tight as a vice. His claws dug into the stone wall.

Prowl tried to look away, but it was like a train wreck. You COULDN'T look away. At least it was all business to Giro, no softness, no sweetness. Just fuck the key out, then get the hell away. Nice.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: Eternal Lecherous Calamity - MK. XII - Chapter 47 - Verse 8: Altima/Ray - by Frisk E. Coyote - 01-10-2009, 05:40 PM