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Eternal Lecherous Calamity - MK. XII - Chapter 47 - Verse 8: Altima/Ray
"Errh, I'm pretty thick... 2 inches... about 11 inches long... so yeah...." Altima explained, as he blushed. He couldn'thelp but be turne don. his dragon-cock slowly slid out an inch, as he anticipated being yiffed, and yiffing.

Rax muttered. "9 inches... 1 inch thick, 3 around the knot..."
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new summoner rp called Sei'La Tlly located in mixed rp. feel free to join.

[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

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RE: Eternal Lecherous Calamity - MK. XII - Chapter 47 - Verse 8: Altima/Ray - by Altima - 01-10-2009, 04:59 PM