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Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver)
OOC: I want my character to!

[Image: asunakagurazaka1024rj1.png]

IC: Asuna jumped back just in time to avoid another fire ball blast shot by the Monkey lady's newest pet, a huge fire breathing gorilla. "Negi are you OK?!" she half shouted half coughed through the smoke. "Ya, dont worry about me, nows your chance!" The young wizard called as he sent more magical missiles at the beast. Nodding, Asuna ran in, using the smoke for cover and bringing her large fan around for a devastating blow.

The magic origami was ripped to pieces and the monkey lady fell in a shower of paper, cursing. "Damn it! If it was not for your baby sitter then this would be easy!" she called as she got back up. Asuna scoffed. "Please, like any of us could get beat by some hag in a monkey get up."

The eastern mage's face lit up red with anger. "What did you call me?! Thats IT! If you cant kill you then I will let some one else in another world do it!" Before any one could do anything, the monkey lady began to throw out talismans around Asuna, and before she knew it they formed into a portal under her feet.

She began to fall but Negi was already on his way. "Asuna!" He cried out as he reached for her. She could make it, she could! She reached for his hand, she almost touched it, but then to add to her falling, she felt as though she were being ripped down through the dimensions and Negi's hand was replaced by a swirl of colors, and then, a roof.

Asuna found herself laying down on the floor of some one (You know whose) room in her singed school out fit. She felt her Fan disappear, but could not have cared less at the moment. The trip had tired her out and she soon found herself falling into the world of dreams, unaware of who ever was in the room or what ever they had just been doing.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - by Maero - 01-07-2009, 12:35 PM