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The world that never was (Altima/western dude who comes from a cold, desolate place)

"Yeah... he is like that..." Ishana muttered, as she jumped on top of a boulder, and began scouting for more targets, barely a second up there, and she knocked an arrow into plac,e and fired at a target a hundred yards away. "hmm... " she grunted, as she looked left and right, when she spotted a group of soldiers surrounding... altima? "Hey, I see him! god, we gotta help him!" And with that, she jumped off, and after Altima.

W"hat? hey wait, we need backup!" Sardan called, as he rushed after her.

"Screw backup! By the time we get reinforcements, he'll be dead!"

*enemy Encirclement*

Two enemies rushed at Altima, but he managed to jump back, slashing at them across their bellies. he landed hard on one knee, one claw clutching his wound, and the other on the earth beneath him. He wheezed slightly, as he grasped weakly at his sword, knowing he wouldn't be able to repel enemy attacks for long. however, none of the other soldiers attacked, only forming a human barrier all around him.

Damn... if I wasn't so weak, Id fly right out of here... Altima thought, as he stood up slowly, bringing his sword up, as he twirled in place slowly, scanning every single soldier. Suddenly, his ears perked a little, as he heard the twang of a drawstring. Good, Ishana's here. However, Altima suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. He faltered, taking a step back. He looked down, and saw a large arrow sticking out of his chest. However, it didn't seem to have pierced much, thanks to his armor. He reached for it, but before he could grab at it, another twang, and this time, he yelped loudly, as an arrow went straight through his sword arm. the sword clanged against his boots, as he craddled his arms. He looked up, and scanned the horizon, and nearby tree line, hoping to find the archer, when he heard another twang, and this time he saw it. This time, he knew where it was going to land. this time, he knew he was going to die.

*Ishana and Sardan*

"Shit! They got him!" Ishana gasped, as she saw the first arrow pierce Altima's chest. She spurre don, hoping to rescue him, as she began firing arrows wildly at the soldiers surrounding altima.

"We'll never get to him!" Sardan shouted, falling far behind, due to the heavy armor he wore.

"We have to.. SHIT!" she shrieked, as the third and final arrow from the hidden archer flew free, straight for Altimas' head. But suddenly, she faltered, and groaned, as a bright light flashed, and she felt a surge of warmth, and cool air hit her at the same time. She tried to open her eyes to see what was happening, but they remained glued shut. then, the ground beneath her gave way, as she felt herself fall. She screamed in surprise, and continued to scream, until she landed roughly on the ground, however, she sank into the ground momentarily, as if it were made of jello or some other cushiony substance. Then the ground rose back up, and remained flat. She opened her eyes, and was shocked to see purple. As far as the eye can see, she saw purple ground, purple sky, purple clouds. It looked almost like the battlefield they were on. THE BATTLEFIELD! She turned around, and looked in the direction that Altima had been, and saw him laying there, on his side, an arrow sticking out of the side of his head.

"ALTIMA!!!" she shrieked, as she rushed towards him.


Rax heard gunfire from afar, and wondered what was going on. World war 5 finally happening? He thought, as he ordered a crappy breakfast, and wondered truly what was happening to the world. Ever since he ran away, it seemed as if the world was entering into an era of chaos.
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new summoner rp called Sei'La Tlly located in mixed rp. feel free to join.

[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: The world that never was (Altima/western dude who comes from a cold, desolate place) - by Altima - 01-05-2009, 07:24 AM