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The world that never was (Altima/western dude who comes from a cold, desolate place)
OOC: how's this for a plan, motherfucker?!



After brief introductions and a few leering glances from Commander Hayley Sable's way, they went outside to talk. Not one word was uttered when the Attack Sirens spooled up in a droning, ominous sound.

Lound bangs could be heard along the outer walls, along with shouting and small-arms fire. Deeper within the compound, the angry roar of Diesel Engines was heard, as the Tanks and the lumbering Walkers known simply as Titans roared to life, to assist in the defense of the base. The three ran for the nearest wall, Sable cloaking almost immediately, leaving bootprints in the mud behind her, and nothing else.

Diesel pulled the Railgun off his back, and dove for the nearest bunker, barking orders into his commlink as he started firing on heavily armored soldiers displaying battleflags and colors never before seen by the grizzled veteren.

Sable took cover behind a Truck, and set her rifle up on the bed. Pulling the protective rubber caps off five of the Sabot rounds on her waist, she dropped them into the internal clip on her rifle, then jammed the cocking lever back, loading the first one in. Her back was beginning to feel warm, as she lined up a shot on what she assumed was someone with rank. The clanking of moving parts was all that was heard as the rifle went off, the round splitting apart as it left the barrel. The 25mm casing split apart and flew for parts unknown, as a razor sharp 8mm finned piece of metal, called a Javelin, flew unnerringly towards it's mark. The glass of the creature's Helmet shattered, as brains sprayed violently out the back. The sabot kept traveling, and hit another soldier in the chest, killing him just as he jumped the outer wall. She caught the spent casing as it came out, and set the smoking shell up next to her, as she retook aim.

Commander Hayley rallied the other Shocktroopers, and they charged, emitting a derranged battlecry that made shivers shoot up the spines of the other soldiers. Assault rifles blazing, they jumped up and over the bunkers, some of them activating their lift units to propel them deeper into the enemy hoard. Brandon jumped off a bunker and activated his lift unit, putting him into a spin. He pulled a pair of Assault rifles out of their thigh-holsters, as his battleshields extended with a series of loud clangs. He landed on bended knee in the middle of the hoard, head down. Without looking up, he let loose on both weapons, riding the triggers as he stood up and delivered a roundhouse kick to an enemy soldier's armored waist. The Hydrualic rams in his leg armor increased the force, causing the weaker metal to buckle, sending the enemy soldier flying back. With a hiss from the rams, he stood, surveying the scene, gunbarrels smoking. About fifteen enemy soldiers lay dead or dying around him, while others were slowly being repelled by the other troops. He depressed the buttons on the grips of his assault rifles, dropping the empty clips into the bloody mud that once was a beautiful lawn. He jammed the weapons against the clips mounted to his thighs, and wretched them away, bringing a fresh clip each with them. Pressing another button, the bolts slid forward loudly, loading a fresh round into the chamber.

In a quick series of boosted jumps, he made it up to the top of the wall, most of the other Shocktroopers doing the same. What he saw was disheartening to most people. The entire town near the base was being overrun with the same alien beings.

"Gather Weapons and Ammo. Set up Supply Dumps for Civilian Militia Forces." He ordered into his Commlink, "I do believe we have front row seats for the End Of Days."
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
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Lady Devimon's Minions
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Messages In This Thread
RE: The world that never was (Altima/western dude who comes from a cold, desolate place) - by Bee - 01-03-2009, 08:21 PM