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"I want a pet!" (pet-keeping/taming RP)
Brandon shrugged, as he refrained from lighting a cigarette indoors, another reason why he loved the junkyard. No one cared where he smoked.

"Eh, well, I saw that bike parked a few houses down from me this morning. I'm the one in the singlewide with the fridge on the porch that's always getting noise complaints." He said, then turned as the store employee walked Blitzen out.

She was nervous and shaking, but didn't pee herself. She did that in her cage already.

"Here's your new pet Mr. Hayley." The young girl said, handing over the leash and paperwork.

"Thanks, he said, then looked at Blitzen, "what's say we get you a new collar and some toys?"

Blitzen's eyes lit up, and her tail wagged a little at this. He wasn't as mean as he looked.

"Well, I guess I'll see you 'round, man. Maybe our pets can hang out." He laughed, as he led Blitzen along the aisles of pet stuff.

They stopped at the rack of collars, and looked at a few. While Brandon put "Breeding" as the reason why he wanted her, he didn't plan on breeding her to another furry. He glanced down at her fur covered breasts, which were small, but nice, and her fur covered crotch. He daydreamed about doing this so many times, and soon, he'd get to.

"So, what's your name?" he asked calmly, trying to get a response from her. He knew they could talk.

"B-Blitzen, sir." She responded, feeling cautious, but slowly accepting him.

"Can I call you Blitz?" he asked, smiling, as he put a black leather collar on her to see how it looked.

"S-sure." She smiled. Her voice was soft, and sweet, but hinted at a fear of humans. He secretly hoped she wasn't a pisser.

After picking a collar that looked good on her, they stopped off at the dogtag machine, and cut out a cute little pink dog bone tag with her new information on it. Then it was off to the toys.

To say Brandon worked strictly at the Junkyard was a lie. Oftentimes, he would find a car sitting there, rusting away, that was too good to pass up. He'd buy it, drag it home, and work on it during all hours of the night until it looked cherry, then sold it for a profit. He wasn't hurting for money, not by any means. So he was more than happy to spoil his new plaything.

After ringing up a few hundred dollars worth of toys, collars, bandanas, and T-Shirts with cute sayings on them, he was certain Blitz liked him, and he was right. All Blitz could think about as he loaded up the battered old truck was how nice he was to her, compared to her previous owners.

"A gal can get used to this..." she giggled, as she sat in the Cab of the truck, waiting for Brandon to finish loading up her stuff.
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan

Messages In This Thread
RE: "I want a pet!" (pet-keeping/taming RP) - by Bee - 01-03-2009, 02:57 PM