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The world that never was (Altima/western dude who comes from a cold, desolate place)

Rax continued walking for a few miles. All the while, he fingered the small gun he had in his pocket. He never had to use it, save once, when some unlucky bastards kid sicced a rotweiler on him while he was asleep. Poor kid was probably still in a mental hospital, freaking about exploding skulls and brain fountains. Whatever, he kept walking, until he hit a shabby road diner. He stepped in, and sat down at the counter, and awaited a server.

OOC: if you think you might have a plan for Rax or somehting, let me know... otherwise I'm going nowhere with him in the meanwhile.


A quick slash was all he needed. Drag the sword near the ground a little ways from his feet, bring it upwards at an angle, slash across the chest, forcing the mages to break concentration if only for a split second, use that gap to smash their throats in with a quick elbow jab, and the rest is easy. Only problem, when you have a wound through your side the size of an apple, your reflexes are numbed. Altima brought the sword upwards, cutting through the magisters' armor, and the mage flinched, however, Altima felt a twinge of pain, as his muscles seized up. He missed his opportunity, as the mage prepared a counter spell.

The blast was fairly weak since it was merely a counter. Fire singed a bit of the dragons; hair, but it also burned the wound a little. At least he wouldn't have to worry about bleeding out any moment now. One shot was all altima had now, otherwise enemy reinforcements would be all over him, and the fact tha he rushed right through enemy lines to take out the magisters alone would mean he'd have no back-up. He took his shot, as he lunged at the caster, and just as he expected, the mage created a barrier of flame right in front of Altima. Altima feinted at the precise moment, spinning to the left, as he swung the sword in an arc.

The blade connected with skin, muscle, and bone, and just as the mage's severed head went flying, he heard the shouts and roars of more enemies advancing upon his location. "Damnit... too late.." he muttered, as he collapsed to his knees, the extent of his wound sapping almost all of his energy. It was all going to end here. he was going to die on his knees. he saw the men surround him. The enemy were not taking chances, as all of them drew their weapons and pointed them at Altima. "c'mon damnit... what are you waiting for?!" he spat, as a little bit of blood dribbled down his chin.

*elsewhere on the battlefield*

kashitch! Another volley of arrows rained down upon the enemy, their screams of agony drowned out by the whistle of arrows piercing the air, and their armored bodies. "hell yeah!" Shouted Ishana Rivendaire, second captain of the Archery division, as she prepped another 3 arrows into her bow. she pulled the string taut, and released, as she felled another three enemies. Just as she pulled another arrow from her quiver, an enemy soldier ambushed her froma tree above. Ishana dove to the side, and just as her opponent raised his sword, ready to strike down on her, She felt a splatter of warm liquid hit her face. She blinked once, and stared at her adversary, as he fell to his knees, his blade falling from his graps, as he keeled over, dead. A spear had pierced right through his chest.

A reptile rushed up to her, grabbed one end of the spear, pushed his boot on the back of the dead soldiers' head, and pulled the spear out, with a loud, meaty pop. "hey, watch your back, next time. I won't always be around to cover that nice furry ass of yours!" joked Sardan, 5th captain of the order. He offered a claw to her.

"Yeah, well.." Ishana tried to retort, but failed to come up with anything good. She grasped his claw in hers, and stood up. "Anyways, where the hell'd Altima run off to?"

"Bah... knowing him, he probably ran in gung-ho" Sardan muttered, as he wiped his spear using the dead soldiers garb.

OOC: yeah, long-ish post, and I introduced 2 characters.... dunno if I'll post their profiles... you know one of them, and the other is a minor character I created...
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[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: The world that never was (Altima/western dude who comes from a cold, desolate place) - by Altima - 01-03-2009, 10:02 AM