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The world that never was (Altima/western dude who comes from a cold, desolate place)
OOC: btw, shall we do epic posts? or keep it simple? XP this first post'' be a mix, probably...




"To arms, to arms!"

There was a flash of light just outside the tent, and suddenly screams filled the night. Altima hastily jumped to his feet, as he rushed over to his battle chest, and threw on his Raiment. A shrill whistle could be heared, as suddenly, Altima dove out of the tent just in the nick of time, as a humongous fireball engulfed the cloth building. He heard a scream, as his tent buddy crawled out, in flames, only to die a few feet away. "tch... cheap bastards..." Altima growled, just as he saw another fireball lauched into the air. He waited, waited, and waited, until it was just close enough to hit.

"NOW!" he bellowed, as he reached for his blade, and grasped the hilt-- only to find out his sword was not at his side. "shit!" he grunted, as he barely dove to the side in time, the flames incinerating the earth he stood on only a mere second ago. The blast hit him hard, sending him flying, knocking down several weapon racks, until he landed hard. A spurt of red errupted from his side, as he squealed in pain. He felt down his body, until his claw brushed against the knife deeply imbeded into his back,and coming out through his side. He gave a sigh of relief, as he "calculated" the blades trajectory. It had narrowly missed his kidney. He stood up, reached around back, and quickly pulled out the knife, grunting only once. Those bastards were gonna pay. He spat once. His saliva was full of blood. He reached down, and grabbed one of the blades on the floor, an off-balanced blade.

"All right, maggots... come get some..." and with that, he charged off into the night, chasing after the flames originating spot.


"GYA!!!!" Rax shouted, as he awoke in the night. He was covered in sweat. He reached down to his side, and felt up and down it. Satisfied that it only was a dream, he pondered what he saw. In his dream, he remembered seeing a lot of fireworks, and he remembered flying, and after than, pain. Excrutiating pain like he never felt before. He figured a piece of glass stabbed him or something, and that was where the pain came from. Rax sat up, panting heavily, as he searched the floor. No signs of broken glass.

"Whatever..." he grunted, as he stood up, reached for his pack, and pulled a bottle of water out. He splashed his face some, and took a quick swig, before replacing it, and rolling up his sleeping bag. Once he cleared his "camp", he looked around. How the hell did he end up on the run, and sleeping in ditches, graveyards, and junkyards? He honestly couldn't remember why, only that if he stopped, he'd die. His alarm went off, and he looked at it. 3 in the morning. Just about as good a time as any to leave, before anyone sees him. With that, he shouldered his pack, and walked on, towards the rising sun, drfiting away from this town, and into the next.
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[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: The world that never was (Altima/western dude who comes from a cold, desolate place) - by Altima - 01-03-2009, 06:40 AM