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The world that never was (Altima/western dude who comes from a cold, desolate place)
all right, just one character? ok...

realm: Gaia
name: Altima Carpine
Age: 18
Rank: 8th captain of the knights of The Order
Description: Grey dragon, with black stripes. Light brown hair, with silver bangs parted at the front. Wears silver/gold armor all over his body, save for his head, whcih is unprotected. The armor is enchanted with both minor, and major resistance to many spells.


T.D. Mode- when enraged, or in dire need, he can change into a gigantic feral dragon, impervious to almost everything, however, this is a double-edge sword because he lets out all his wrath, and blindly attacks anything in the vicinity without regard of alliance or even feelings. Usually reverts after 5 minutes, leaving himself weakened, and fatigued.

Divine Vvarfarrynn- As he fights, his spear collects used up traces of energy, and magic, recycling them within the spear itself, until he focuses the energy into the tip of the spear. It will launch a destructive beam of light based on how much energy it absorbed.

Weapons: uses a large two-ton sword, that is nearly indestructible, as if it were merely the average weight of a one-handed sword.

weilds a shapeshifting spear that transforms by thought.

Also weilds two daggers, which have power cancelling abilities.

Planet: Terra
Name: Roger Andrews Xavier "Rax" (hates it, but likes the initials, hence his name Rax)
Age: 18
Rank:civvy with Guns
Description: looks like a fox version of altima, except with short hair, and color-changing fur.


Chamelion fur- his stomach allows him to absorb the colors of whatever he ingests, and to "paint" his fur with those colors. Also applies to his hair. Perfect for camouflage

just two for now, I'll add more as we go, and regularly update this post.
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[Image: Furries-1.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
RE: The world that never was (Altima/western dude who comes from a cold, desolate place) - by Altima - 01-02-2009, 09:44 AM