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Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver)
"I-I don't want t-to fight!" Alex whimpered as he was dragged. The bullies saw him and laughed, walking over. "Hey guys! Look, it's the dork!" one laughed. "Hey twerp, why don't you go buy some comic books and jack off to them, loser!" another laughed, and Alex only looked away. "HEY! I'm talking to ya!" a bully yelled and grabbed him by his collar, only to throw him down.

"Hey, baby, what are you doing with this retard for? Let me guess, babysitting?" one joked. "You know, you could come with us. We can show you a nice night."

"Hey! Get away from her!" Alex ordered, only to be kicked in the gut and hit the ground. "Damn retard don't know his place!" a bully yelled.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero and Salem A. Delgado) - by KingZero - 12-23-2008, 03:51 PM