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Hiroki & Satio's Babies (Tank Cop & Nekomon)
Hiroki was glad she and her brother had thought ahead a pretty much put towel all over the appartment floor, of coarse they would have to wash the towel, but atleast nothing would be permenatly stained with pee. Hiroki giggled a bit as she led Ruki into her room which now had a changing table big enough for Renamon on it.

Saito sat there wait until the shocked Renamon had stopped peeing the her took the blushing vixen by the hand and lead her into the house, making sure she stayed on the towel until the reached his and Hiroki's bed room.

[Image: 2vbkgfm.jpg]
puppies and digimon rule

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RE: Hiroki & Satio's Babies (Tank Cop & Nekomon) - by nekomon - 12-16-2008, 11:30 AM