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Digital Fetishes: Perspectives on Digimon Sociology of Sex
(11-17-2008 09:08 AM)Lord Patamon Wrote:
Quote:The maximum size observed is the single case of a Betamon with a penis some 13 inches (33 cm) long

a Betamon with a 13 inches long penis WTF?!? and they critized me for giving Patamon a 9 incher on my first lemon? come on compared to this one I was way inside the non exaggerated range o.O

I might not be stating it outright, but by the standards outlined above, 13 inches is FREAKISHLY big. Anything bigger than 8 in would be considered impressively so, and very rare too: go above none inches and you're only covering 1% or so of Digimon (I'd need to ask somebody better versed in stats to confirm that). Such sizes are statistical anomalies, just like the tallest known man was 8'11'', and was FREAKISLY tall.

This is why V-mon has a very WTF reaction to Armadimon's size in Daring for Dangos. Though that story predates the heavy statistical consideration that went into the essay, V-mon's reaction would not be very different if I wrote the thing tomorrow.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Digital Fetishes: Perspectives on Digimon Sociology of Sex - by circeus - 11-17-2008, 10:26 AM