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Shit's gonna hit the fan no matter who wins.
First and foremost, I don't like either candidate, so don't come to me with any BS accusation that I'm saying these things 'cause I want McCain to win. As far as I'm concerned, they're both politicians who can say whatever they want now; what matters is what they actually do once in office. Gone are the days where I make my decision based on whether they have the fourth, ninth, or eighteenth letter of the alphabet in front of their names. Now the rant.

This isn't so much a rant as it is my cynical opinion of the upcoming election. Amazing that I've only been in politics for a little over five years and I'm already about to live through a “damned if we do, damned if we don‘t” election.

If Obama wins, we'll have a rookie (as I refer to him, "a five-year jury member who now thinks he's qualified to be a judge") in office who's grand idea in a recession is to raise taxes (forget his "give 95% a tax cut" BS, which practically screams "I pulled this out of my ass". In any case, five percent of Americans can't pay for all the expensive ideas he has, assuming they don't say "Screw this" and leave) and spend even more money Big Brother doesn't have on things the people don't need. We'll have the democrats in Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court, and anyone who doesn't think they'll try and take advantage of all that power is dreaming (considering all the whining over the 2000 election, I wouldn't be surprised if they try and change the rules). And of course, since there's some unwritten rule that you can't ever bad-mouth an African-American, the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will probably be throwing the dreaded "R" word left and right at anyone who even looks at Obama wrong. So much for free speech.

And of course, with the economic hardships, paranoia about global warming, terrorism, and all those other wonderful things combined with a lazy populace more interested in fast solutions than Constitutional law, Big Brother might not even have to try and hide their continued grabbing of powers they don’t have. Obama’s already talked about a new national security force where “People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve (and whenever Big Brother “asks“ something, it‘s generally at gun point). Does anyone really think this is for something that the police, FBI, DEA, ATF, USMS, ICE, and Border Patrol, all of which employ at least several thousand personal, can‘t do. If they are indeed not doing their job, why not try and manage them better rather than creating yet another government-run organization to leech more tax payer dollars?

And of course, if things don’t get better, Bush will get all the blame no matter what Obama does to screw things up. It worked for Hurricane Katrina, so why not do it again? It’s always easier to point fingers rather than accept the blame, because then there’s no burden on you to solve the problem.

And again, I'm not fond of McCain (though I like some of his ideas). In any case, I doubt things will be much better if he wins, especially if Congress doesn't switch hands. For one, the next four years will probably be spent trying to disprove that racism was involved in his victory rather than fixing any of the problems we're facing. If the race card was played when a white candidate lost, it's foolish to believe it won't be played even more if a African-American candidate loses. And that's only the optimistic view of what could happen; the pessimistic view is that we'll see riots in the streets. If African-Americans riot over the "racist acquittal" of four officers who beat someone 99% of them never heard of, what do you think will happen if someone 99% of them know loses an election, especially when he's the first African-American to be in a presidential election? Oh, and a registered democrat at my job who supported Hillary thinks the same thing is likely to occur. Just goes to show you “racist” Republicans aren’t the only ones nervous.

If that doesn’t happen, the next four years will be a repeat of the last, with the democrats in Congress dragging their feet and acting like spoiled brats whose parents won’t buy that toy they want, rather than trying to fix the problems we‘re facing. In 2006, Pelosi claimed they would work with Republicans to make things better. Last I checked, things got worse (of course, Pelosi, who had the arrogance to think that she alone could decide whether we could drill for more oil, was quick to point the finger at Bush when this happened, never mind that Congress has to approve everything Bush wants to do). While I don’t think either party should kiss the other's ass, it would be nice if they could get along for the good of the people they’re supposed to be serving.

I could go on, but I think the general point has been made; tough times are coming for Americans. Time will tell whether they will wake us up to how America should be truly be run or if we’ll continue to accept short-term solutions and finger-pointing from the politicians who continue to grab power they shouldn't have.

Messages In This Thread
Shit's gonna hit the fan no matter who wins. - by BigD - 10-27-2008, 01:14 PM
RE: Shit's gonna hit the fan no matter who wins. - by BigD - 10-31-2008, 03:03 PM
RE: Shit's gonna hit the fan no matter who wins. - by BigD - 11-01-2008, 01:05 AM
RE: Shit's gonna hit the fan no matter who wins. - by BigD - 11-04-2008, 03:30 PM
RE: Shit's gonna hit the fan no matter who wins. - by BigD - 11-07-2008, 06:48 AM
RE: Shit's gonna hit the fan no matter who wins. - by BigD - 11-10-2008, 07:51 AM
RE: Shit's gonna hit the fan no matter who wins. - by BigD - 11-12-2008, 01:01 AM