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New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL)
Lopmon and Terriermon taking hold of one mitten each ties the mittens VERY TIGHT onto Aqua's wrists making it impossable to shack off. "We have to make sure your widdle hands don't get hurt. Now since your our baby you will need something to suck on. Like a specail Pacifier since your our SPECAIL baby." Terriermon said with a huge grin as he leaves Susie room and goes to Henry's to get the item.

Henry blushes and then looks at Vook in her eyes and says. "Ummm....Vook....I...I never done this before....I am still a virgin." Henry said feeling shamed. I mean he did come VERY close many times before but then Susie would always come into his room and ruin it all just before he ever got some. But man he wanted to get some this time.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

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RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - by Tank Cop - 10-17-2008, 02:37 AM