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Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon)
OOC: This is Nekomon's post he IMed it to me but its his work not mine.

IC: ~ Saito's & Hiroki's Apartment ~

Kitmon blushed a nodded to Puddlemon sadly." OK OK, Yes mommy, I'm your baby Kit. Please give me my beary-chan." He said holding his hands out for the bear, it being his most prized posetion despite his age.

~ Ice Cream Shop ~

Hiroki gave a quickly glare at Foxmon and Wolfmon, since she hung around with them alot due to vixmon and Kitmon, they'd noticed this as he "Shut up" Glare, the look she gave young children or digimon when they had said something they weren't supposed to and were in trouble. They would know to be quiet to avoid further trouble as Hiroki did not look to very pleased a the moment.

~ Mall Daycare ~

Vixmon sat there with watery eyes and a soup filled mouth as shuddered a bit still from the spanking, her butt cheek very sore and tender feeling.

Nekomon struggled in the caretakers arms and pulled his ears back hissing at her, He was not going to let this happen unfairly for a second time not if he could do anything about it.

OOC: I thought you were going to spare Nekomon this time.
OOC: (This is my post in Reply)

IC: ~ Saito's & Hiroki's Apartment ~

Puddlemon smiles seeing she new has the contorl she wanted and hands him his bear. "Now just relax while Mommy changes your widdle diaper." She takes off Kitmon's diaper, cleans his butt and other privates and then powders and puts him in a fresh new diaper and then puts a pacifier into his mouth for him to suck on.

"Now thats Mommy's good baby boy. But I can't take you out to the park with daddy looking like that. I need to get you some thing to wear. But all we got is baby clothes?" Puddlemon says looking into the closet at all the babydoll clothes.

~ Ice Cream Shop ~

Wolfmon and Foxmon keep quite but they both pulled out their cell phones and started to take pictues and were just about to send them to friends. "Oh this will be perfect payback for him saying he was better at us in soccer!" Wolfmon said starting to dial a outsend number.

This made Eaglemon cry hard like a real baby knowing soon the world will know his shame forever.

~ Mall Daycare ~

The Daycare Lady hits Nekomon's butt over his diaper and says. "You hush kitty. Your a very bad Kitty! I am going to have to spank you harder then the others for that!" She says as she sits on the spanking stool and places Nekomon over her lap and holds him down.

Terriermon watching thinking he will finally get it for mistreting him but knows he has to be next or Gatomon would kill him. Gatomon wants to jump in and save her son but she also knows she needs to let Nekomon get spanked to teach him some humility.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon) - by Tank Cop - 10-14-2008, 09:44 AM