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Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon)
~ Saito's & Hiroki's Apartment ~

Puddlemon seeing that her Momma talk was working but she needed more to break Kitmon and make him her baby for good she she tries another tactic. She goes over to a large Teddy Bear that she has seen Kitmon napping with and knows he cares for it even it he won't admit it. Puddlemon puts one of Kitmon & Vixmon's diapers on it then covers its body with one of Vixmon's frilly colorful baby outfits on it.

Puddlemon then brings the Teddy Bear over to Kitmon as he still lies on the changing table and places it next to his face. Puddlemon then starts to act as if the Bear was talking. "Hi there baby Kit. This is your most beloved buddy the Teddy Bear. I know you LOVE your momma Puddlemon very much and you also want to be a big boy for all your firends but it hurts your Momma loving heart to see you act this way. DOn't you want to make your momma happy? I am a baby too and I love you. Why don't you just stay a baby and we can be cared for together." Puddlemon then puts the Teddy Bear down at Kitmon's diaper and says in the Baby Teddy Bear voice. "Ewww what a stinky diaper baby Kit has. It had he don't have a nice clean diaepr like I do. Momma changed me not long ago and it felt very good and its so nice to be a baby with a clean soft diaper on. Not act like a big tough kid in a stinky smelly and very dirty diaper." Puddlemon then pressed the Bears face to your Kitmon's check like he was kissing him and ends with saying. "Baby Teddy Bear will only stay with and love baby Kit. So if your not Baby Kit then Baby Teddy Bear can't love or be with you anymore and that make me feel very sad." Puddlemon moves he Bears soft arms over his face as if it was crying.

~ Ice Cream Shop ~

OOC: Edited the name its fixed now.

Eaglemon was sobbing hard as Wolfmon and Foxmon turn to see where all that crying was coming from and both apon seeing Eaglemon coming out as he was looking yelled. "HOLY CRAP, EAGLEMON'S IN A DIAPER?!?!"

~ Mall Daycare Center ~

The Daycare Lady takes the naked and very sore butted Vixmon off her lap and places her on a hardwood stool facing another the same corner of the room as Patamon and then like Patamon shoves a HUGE, wet, and nasty tasting bar of soap into Vixmon's tiny mouth. Its so big and wide only half of it goes all the way in to the back of Vixmon's throat the rest sticks out for all to see. "Now you DON'T move and think about what a bad baby you are."

Just as the Daycare Lady was about to come over and give Terriermon his turn getting his bunny butt burned. She see's Nekomon attack him and beat him down. She rushes over and lifts Nekomon into the air before he can harm Terriermon again. "I knew it! I knew you and that girl were the ones that really hurt that poor bunny then lied about getting hurt yourself. Well I won't be spanking and doing the other things to him but your turn is coming up NOW!" The Daycare Lady said as she carried Nekomon under her armpit over to the spanking chair.

As Nekomon was taken to have his butt abused yet again Gatomon leaps ontop of Terreirmon without the Daycare Lady seeing him and with her own claws (not her claw glove she can't wear that pretending to be a baby!) places it to his neck and says. "I can't stop my son from getting hurt by this Lady but after she's done with you if you don't admit you did hurt both their tails and take your punishment from here then when we get to Susie room and at night when she leaves us alone I will rip you into super small piece!" Gatomon said to Terriermon with a hiss at him at the end as Terriermon just nods to scared out of his mind to say anything in words.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon) - by Tank Cop - 10-11-2008, 03:56 PM