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Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon)
~ Saito's & Hiroki's Apartment ~

Kitmon looks at Puddlemon knowing full well that she was serious and that he would just sit here on the changing table if he didn't do what she wanted him to, but it was just too humiliating and his pride would not allow him to do it no matter how hard he tried, atleast not yet it would take a bit for his pride to die down.

~ Ice Cream Shop ~
OOC: It Eaglemon not Hawkmon we don't need yolei in here trying to hurt somebody.
Hiroki patted Eaglemon on the head with a sly smile." Don't worry about it. They won't dare do that with me around. I know more than my fair share of secrets about the." She looked at Swanmon with a wink." Never underestimate a girl's ability to gather info, right Swanmon?" She said with a smile, giggling a bit as she headed out the restroom door.

~ Mall Daycare Center ~

Vixmon whimpered a bit shook and violently on the lap of the daycare lady. She had tears in her eye and was visibly trying not to let any sound escape her muzzle. She buried her face in the lady's leg as she let out small, barely audible sobs.

The sound of quickly, shallow breathes being taken became extremely apparent behind Terriermon and right after he threatened to break Nekomon's tail there was a cry of," NEKO PUNCH!" followed by an orange and red glowing paw connecting with Terriermon's back, his mittens had been removed from his paws during his "diaper change." He advance on the rabbit menacing, well as menacingly as he could in a diaper and babydoll dress, stomping fiercely with every step. He cracked his knuckles." This is gonna be fun."

[Image: 2vbkgfm.jpg]
puppies and digimon rule

Creative Minds

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RE: Susie's New Babies (Tank Cop/Nekomon) - by nekomon - 10-10-2008, 12:34 PM