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New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL)
Henry feeling he could score for once in SOOO long a time gets on his knees to be with eye level to Aquaveemon then says to her in a sad begging way. "Look please understand since our mom died this is the only way Susie is able to cope with the lost. The therapist say she has to be a mommy in the only way she knows how until she can come to trems with our mom's death. So she gets very harsh mommy role in all things."

Henry wipes some tears way thinking of his dead mom and says. "Look I will pay you anything you would want for letting her treat you like an infant for as long as we are gone and when ever you come over again I will pay you for your time too. Please She needs to do this and I need this time away too." Henry say with tear filled eyes looking at Aqua.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

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RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - by Tank Cop - 09-23-2008, 07:44 AM