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The Day That Never Comes

Name: Flynn Rausch

Age: 25

Race: Anthro

Gender: Male

SubSpecies: Canis lupus lycaon (Eastern wolf)

Rank: Soldier

Occupation: Rangemaster/Technologist (enhancement R&&D)

Description: at 5'6", Flynn doesn't stand out in a crowd. His blue fur is always well-groomed, and he always has an easy smile on his muzzle. Though he's pretty social, he spends a lot of time in his workshop, tinkering and inventing new technology for the anthros or for trade with other races. Behind his square rimmed glasses, his gold eyes sparkle with intelligence and intuition.

Weapon: A bowgun. Flynn has fitted it with a small scale replication device he's invented that can replicate approximately a thousand bolts before needing to be recharged. He wears a special SmartEye that automatically calculates bolt trajectory before firing, ensuring better-than-normal accuracy.

Special Abilities: - heightened senses and agility. Like most anthros, Flynn can see and hear better than any non-anthro, and is also more agile than the average non-anthro.

- electricity manipulation. By tapping into the ambient static energy in the air, Flynn can store it in his body and use it offensively (ie. as electricity arcing between him and a target or a hurled ball of energy), or defensively (ie. charging himself with enough static energy that it actually deflects or intercepts incoming biological or metallic attacks). His ability has limits, however. It does take time to naturally accumulate enough charge to do anything with and, due to the fickle nature of the element, it can be difficult to aim.

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Other: Flynn was nearly killed in an accident at his lab. An experiment with a serum meant to protect from radiation poisoning ended up heavily irradiating him. He stumbled out of his lab, fur and flesh melting, and collapsed. And that was when he found out that his best friend and lover was more than just a healer...


Name: Sydney Croft

Age: 22

Race: Anthro

Gender: Male

SubSpecies: Panthera tigris altaica (Siberian tiger)

Rank: Sergeant

Occupation: Shaman

Description: At a hulking 6'7" and 235 lbs, Syd towers above most everyone else. His blue fur makes him stand out even more than his impressive physique already does, but he is usually a very calm, friendly fur.

Weapon: He eschews the use of weapons and prefers to use his body as a weapon.

Special Abilities: - heightened senses and agility. Like most anthros, Syd can see and hear better than any non-anthro, and is also more agile than the average non-anthro.

- Paw of Light. Syd can heal even severe wounds by laying his paws on a wounded individual. He absorbs ambient energy, transforming it within him into life energy, and pours it into the victim. The healing process is sped up so fast that one can actually see the wounds close before their eyes.

- Spirit of Redemption. Faced with the task of multiple or very badly injured individuals, Syd can unleash his hidden angelic powers. Glowing wings burst from his upper back, and soothing golden light emanates from him. In this form, he is invincible to all but the most dark and evil energies. His mere presence speeds the healing of wounds and the touch of his paws can all but restore life. While in this form, his own divine energy fuels it, able to hold it indefinitely. However, upon reversion to his normal form, he experiences exhaustion proportionate to the amount of time he was in his angel form. Depending on the amount of time spent as an angel, he can require up to several consecutive days of rest.

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Other: Upon seeing Flynn's rapidly deteriorating condition, Syd placed his paws on the withering body, quickly channelling life energy into him to replace the damaged and heavily irradiated tissue. Realizing that his powers wouldn't be enough to save his love, he began to weep. Suddenly, a calm came over him and he stood up and closed his eyes. Golden light began to pour from him, washing over Flynn's crumpled form. Giant golden wings sprang from his shoulders and he knelt over the wolf, covering him with their feathery warmth. As soon as it had begun, Syd was again a tiger, and Flynn was a healed wolf - though naked and extremely startled.
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Avatar art by Fluke

Messages In This Thread
The Day That Never Comes - by Bee - 09-22-2008, 06:49 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by PsionicMaster - 09-22-2008, 08:19 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Bee - 09-22-2008, 09:06 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Ferro Cordis - 09-22-2008, 10:21 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by senjuro - 09-22-2008, 11:57 PM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Bee - 09-23-2008, 06:14 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Bee - 09-25-2008, 10:46 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Ferro Cordis - 09-25-2008, 11:36 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by PsionicMaster - 09-25-2008, 12:14 PM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by senjuro - 09-25-2008, 10:49 PM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Bee - 09-27-2008, 02:47 PM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Ferro Cordis - 09-28-2008, 12:35 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by senjuro - 10-01-2008, 12:38 AM