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The Day That Never Comes
Okay, a little game that's been mulling around in my head for a while.

Basically, a Starcraft RP, using a blend of stuff from the old games, and the stuff slated for Starcraft II.

Don't know what Starcraft is, but want to play? Look the game up. The internet WAS created for the transfer of information.


The year is 2675. The Protoss have been in relative peace on their new planet Shakuras. The Terrans have been slowly rebuilding their lives after the Great Brood War, and the Zerg have been too quiet for everyone's taste.

All of this changed, with the discovery of a new race of beings...

They identified themselves as "Anthros", beings who stood upright and talked and fought like men, but had features that came from various creatures, such as wolves, foxes, and dragons. The most startling part of this, was their abilities.

While the Protoss and some Terrans could tap into psionic powers, these Anthros could do much, much more.

Some Anthros could control fire, lightning, ice, all the elements ever seen by man or alien. Even a select few could tap into "Angelic" or "Demonic" powers, sprouting wings on their backs, and controlling powers of Light and Holyness, or of Infinite Darkness.

These Anthros have piqued the interest of all the warring groups, and seem peaceful enough, though, they are ready for a fight, if need be.

While the Terrans rely on Railguns, the Protoss use Psionic Blades, and the Zerg use sheer ferocity, these Anthros weild weaponry centuries, even millenia old. Their warships reek of technology, aiding their travel through the stars, but, high tech weaponry seems to be shunned by them.

The Protoss seem interested in learning all they can of this strange new race, and the Terrans seem to be interested in new allies. The Zerg, however, are Hellbent on assimilating these new beings into The Swarm.

Pick a side, choose wisely. For every action has an equal and opposite reaction.



*No Godmodding.

*No Powerplaying.

*NO BITCHING. You got a problem with someone, don't start an OOC fight. Take it somewhere else.

*4 Characters Max.

*Have Fun.

*Dropouts require a notice of some kind. If you wanna quit, PM me.

*Please don't join without some background knowledge of the game. If needed, there's a Starcraft Wikia that can be very useful. Edit: here's the site:

*Sex is allowed, just don't deviate from the plot.

*Type BATTLECRUISER OPERATIONAL in some way on your first post, if you read the rules.


Character Sheets:

Name: (go nuts)

Age: Minimum is 15. Max is unrestricted, due to the Protoss being Centuries old.

Race: Terran, Protoss, Zerg, or Anthro.

Gender: Male, Female, or Herm

SubSpecies: For Zerg or Anthros ONLY

Rank: you'll have to do some Homework on this one. But, you can be whatever.

Occupation: what you do within your Race-Group.


Terrans: Siege Tank Operator

Protoss: High Templar

Zerg: Doesn't matter, really, they all live for the swarm. Mindless warriors.

Anthros: see Below.


Description: either a short paragraph, or a picture.

Weapon: same as Desc. Either a short paragraph or picture.

Special Abilities: Keep it to 3 Max.

Sexual Orientation: yeah, we'll go that way.

Other: anything you want to put that doesn't fit into other catagories.


Okay, since we're using an entirely new species to the game, allow me to set potential Rank and Occupations for the Anthro Class.

Rank: (Low=>High)

Senior Apprentice
First Seargent
Chief Commander


Blademaster(swords and knives)

Polearm Master(Scythes, staves, halbreds, etc.)

Rangemaster(firearms and bows)

Long RangeMaster (Catapults and the like.)

Sorcerer/Sorceress(you know what these are)

Warlock(Combat-Oriented Sorcerer/Sorceress)

Shaman(2nd Tier soldier, mainly healing and Defense)

Berzerker(unarmed Combat specialist)

Back Lines/2nd Tier Jobs:

Ship Pilot




(Feel free to make up a job or two. It helps to have more than one mind on this job)

I'll be allowing three Co-Game Masters, to help me in this game. If you're interested in being a GM, please PM me, and I'll hook you up.

My characters shall be posted soon.

Edit 1: Powers are seperate of occupation. You can be an Elemental Sorcerer/Sorceress, and still have the 3 powers alloted.
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan

Messages In This Thread
The Day That Never Comes - by Bee - 09-22-2008, 06:49 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by PsionicMaster - 09-22-2008, 08:19 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Bee - 09-22-2008, 09:06 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Ferro Cordis - 09-22-2008, 10:21 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by senjuro - 09-22-2008, 11:57 PM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Bee - 09-23-2008, 06:14 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Bee - 09-25-2008, 10:46 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Ferro Cordis - 09-25-2008, 11:36 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by PsionicMaster - 09-25-2008, 12:14 PM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by senjuro - 09-25-2008, 10:49 PM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Bee - 09-27-2008, 02:47 PM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by Ferro Cordis - 09-28-2008, 12:35 AM
RE: The Day That Never Comes - by senjuro - 10-01-2008, 12:38 AM