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New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL)
Susie takes Aqua's hand and lead her into her room thats made out to look like a HUGE nursery besides her own bed. You see 2 small bunny size digimon are all dressed up like babie girls with diapers and baby girl outfits on in a top locking crib. "My your a very big baby but as your Momma I will just give you alot more love!" Susie says in a loving way as she leads Aqua over to a changing table.

As Susie is busy in her room Henry comes out of the bathroom fully naked and dripping wet his eyes still to wet to see Vook's in the room already. "SUSIE...YOU TOOK THE LAST TOWEL AND DIDN'T TELL...." He just then see's Vook and freeze with fear.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!

Messages In This Thread
RE: New Starts & New Lives (Tank Cop/AWL) - by Tank Cop - 09-21-2008, 01:58 PM