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Digimon Revolution - Help!
I now have two more characters -- Varth, an Uramon, and Elena, a Floramon. Floramon is rather underused, and rather than following formula and using an "official" evolution line for Elena (Kiwimon? Yeah, right.), I made a completely new line above Floramon.


Partner: Reika Norou, Japan
Note: Though she's not very characterized in this, Reika Norou is the same Reika, though younger, who appears in Lost Light as Shimoko. See, this story ties into one of my lemon series.

Varth is a light-hearted journeyer, who follows Veen and Lenna not because of a belief in the legend of Huanglong, but because he wants to see more of the world than just Megalo City. He has no known family, and is a mysterious Digimon -- indeed, he is the only one of his species known to exist. Varth has been an orphan for as long as he remembers, dropping in on the Huanglongmon meetings for several months, and coming to think of it as really interesting stories, but only stories. He has not told anyone at the meetings that he is an orphan, fearing they would kick him out.

Reika does not appear in Megalo City at the beginning of the story, unlike Peter, Alicia, Duke, and Keith. Uramon is without a partner until a good ways in, and thus only able to evolve temporarily, and only to his Adult form of Prairiemon.

Evolution Line:
Subbamon > Uramon > Prariemon > War Kenmon
Prariemon + Silver Armor of Purity = Talismon
-- Apologies to any who may use Talismon as a screen name on any site, which may have inspired my use of this name, but I think it sounds cool for an ultimate level grass samurai. --
Uramon is NOT able to achieve the Mega Level, because he is the last to reach his "true" Ultimate AND has a powerful Ultimate form.


Partner: Alicia Masters, Australia

Elena has always been told by her parents that the world is a wide and exciting place, and so she has always desired to see more of it than just Megalo City. Her mother, a Lillymon, has even encouraged her to go out and explore the forest. As a result, Elena has a drive to leave the city behind and learn more about the entire world. Her close friendship with Lenna makes them an obvious choice to seek out the seven fallen Silver Stars with the Human children.
She considers Alicia to be a stubborn gitl, though she herself is no less stubborn, and often complains about how ignorant the human children are, at least durign the beginning. When Alicia ends up taking an attack meant for Elena, she realizes that the humans are more important, and braver, than she had thought.

Evolution Line:
Floramon > Verdamon > White Rosemon
Verdamon + Silver Armor of Friendship = Magimon (That's a hard "g" sound, not a "j")
White Rosemon + Angewomon's AVC = Artemimon (Yes, Floramon will be one of the three to actually reach the Mega level -- this will not be changed)


I still need three more characters for the Digimon and two more Humans -- one of those Digimon will begin in Megalo City with the rest of the group, partnered to Keith, an American kid. So if anyone has an idea, feel free to share it.

Messages In This Thread
Digimon Revolution - Help! - by Nate Hunter - 05-05-2004, 10:36 AM
[No subject] - by Wisemon - 05-05-2004, 02:37 PM
[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 05-05-2004, 09:43 PM
[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 05-13-2004, 11:32 PM
[No subject] - by The Reclaimer - 05-16-2004, 03:05 AM