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First time for everything... Jealous, rage... Misplaced?
Well, that was definately an interesting experience.. Realized on the way there, that what I was jealous of wasn't the way he talked about his friend.. it was the fact that she got to teach him things before I did... >.< I know.. kinda lame..

It was a good trip.. Monica was really nice, a bit crazy.. but I've come to realize that I think most girls are crazy.. So maybe she isnt.. But anyway, we talked a lot.. and she has one of the most intensely intimidating personalities I have ever seen. Was a bit overwhelming at first, but I got used to her, and even grew to like her a bit.

Never expected to make a new friend from this.. but I am very glad I did. Not sure why we had to do this.. but I think we both got the answers we needed.. Found out exactly how Dan talks about me when I'm not around.. same way he does when I am btw... and I think he just needed to make sure she and I could get along if he invited her to do something.

I'm not going to say it wasn't awkward at first... but it was fun. We all went skinny dipping in her pool :P She said something that I didn't quite catch, which made Dan blush deeper than I have ever seen him.. and when I asked him later, he told me that she asked a couple of things.. One, how he managed to get such a "Sexy girly man" and she also asked... "How do you manage something that big into such a small space?" lol... Sometimes being totally open about things is good.. but well, sometimes it is horribly embarrassing..

Messages In This Thread
RE: First time for everything... Jealous, rage... Misplaced? - by Angry_kittens - 07-16-2007, 09:24 AM