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Cross Media bitching pisses me off.
I haven't seen it, but when I do see it, I have no expectations for it being like the comic. Still, I don't like how a lot of the Peter and Mary Jane stuff caters to the teenie-boppers. Then again, Spider-Man has always been one of the softer in-and-out-of relationships heroes. He's not supposed to be all hardcore like, let's say, the Punisher. Going along with that though, Spider-Man is also supposed to make smartass comments while in battle with super villains. I was a little disappointed by the lack of this in the first two movies, and I have a hunch the third has the same problem. You don't have to carry everything from the comics, but at least get the personality right.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cross Media bitching pisses me off. - by Wisemon - 06-30-2007, 10:38 AM