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Cross Media bitching pisses me off.
Well, the overarching moral rules are a core component of the series. Granted, a movie can't keep complete faith to its source material, but it has to keep something from the original lest it totally turn away its faithful fanbase. If it's going to keep anything, they should keep the core moral that makes Spider-Man who and what he is: a do-gooder deep down who will never do anything solely for his own gain.

I thought that the Symbiote-Peter section of the movie was really well done where he busted Brock's photographic faux-pas and pwned Harry. Unfortunately, the lameness of the club scene counter-balanced all the cool bad-assedness that he'd previously set up. A shame, really.

As a moderate Spider-Man fan, I really liked the movie, but I can see why a lot of people didn't get off on it so much.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cross Media bitching pisses me off. - by senjuro - 06-29-2007, 09:59 PM