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FF: Rise Of Silver Surfer who got so many bad critics
floramon Wrote:Why this movie got so many bad critics and reviews? :?:

Well read a review, and it should say why they feel that way.  Not everyone is going to like it like you do, it gets bad reviews because some people feel it was bad and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Mine of which it was a cool movie.  It was fun, had some cool action scenes, but nothing too overblown.  It had a solid plot, but not over complicated.  It's a movie you can sit and enjoy without working too much out.  Galactus was the weak part seeing as how they never actually showed "him", they showed a transport of him in my opinion.  That way the could say Galactus is in it, without actually representing him and spending tons of money on the CGI work for him.  I'm certain by now CGI clouds are damn near free compared to CGI giant planet eating people.

Suzaku999 Wrote:I also want to point out that the overmarketing of A-list movies is not only absurdly annoying, it's also getting out of hand. I'm very tired of seeing all major food chains holding sweepstakes based on a super-hyped up movie.

Regardless of who likes it or not, it is smart marketing because the majority will always be drawn in by it, and in the end that is why these things get made, for money.  So be prepared because it will only grow worse.

Harie Krauzer Wrote:My first impression tells me is: "Why is Silver Surfer piggybacking Fantastic Four's movie?"

Because they are testing the waters for a spin-off Silver Surfer movie series.

Messages In This Thread
RE: FF: Rise Of Silver Surfer who got so many bad critics - by The Reclaimer - 06-29-2007, 08:38 AM