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FF: Rise Of Silver Surfer who got so many bad critics
I have to agree with Blueeyed Gabu. The directors are focusing too much on the "bright lights" and "shiny things" in order to attract the low-brow audience. Ultimately, the original fans are alienated from one of their favorites.

I also want to point out that the overmarketing of A-list movies is not only absurdly annoying, it's also getting out of hand. I'm very tired of seeing all major food chains holding sweepstakes based on a super-hyped up movie. There should be a limit somewhere. It's also very embarrasing when the movie you have marketed to death and beyond blows up in your face. *see: the first Fantastic Four.*

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RE: FF: Rise Of Silver Surfer who got so many bad critics - by Lost - 06-29-2007, 07:59 AM