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A grimly hello to you all (Big T, read this)
I'm obviously new around here, so I thought I'd introduce myself. Hi... I'm Grim. I'm an alcoholic.
No, no. I'm not really an alcoholic. I just get tongue tied when it comes to things to say in these introduction threads.

I'm not a fan of the digimon series. Before everyone gets all up-in-arms and starts asking me what I'm doing here, I may as well explain. Mr. Big T invited me. Him and I have been pretty chill internet buds since the WAY BACK. I'm pretty much here just to RP in your role playing boards. If I meet some chill people along the way, so be it. I'm always up for making new buds.

Not to sound pompous or conceited, but I bring a good amount of talent with me too. When I get bored, I enjoy photoshopping. I'll photoshop just about anything so long as it keeps my photomanipulation skills sharp, so if you have a project and I'm unusually bored, you may as well pitch me an idea and I'll see what I can do.

Big T, I've included a few of those projects I was working on today. If you like 'em, use 'em. You may have to size down that "slut whore" picture. Just make sure that when you do, you only cut it down to half it's size. 320x240, I think. I did that on purpose so you wouldn't lose a ton of quality.

The other pic isn't finished, obviously. We still need to work out a logo design for Dooms 5. Before I do, I'll need you to hook me up with the font file you used for the "DOOMS 5" text in the previous example. I can't find anything like it on the net, and I want to keep the feel of the official logo the same because it's the same text you used in all the games in the series.

Anyway, that's about it.
*waves at everybody*


Messages In This Thread
A grimly hello to you all (Big T, read this) - by Grim - 06-20-2007, 10:56 AM