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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Thomas Speck locked the door of his flat, and put his bag containing a breifcase, bizzarely, along with a three peice suit and a brolly he'd managed to squeeze in diagnolly.

Looking at the clock on his wall, he sighed. About half ten: he needed to get ready for his work party. It was for apperences sake, only. He wasn't about to hook up with anybody, ever. But he worked with them, cameto him with computer problems, things like that, and you need to show up for this kind of thing to keep on good terms with people.

The theme this year was "Old Style". He'd rented out a tailcoat, and bought spats from a joke shop. He changed into the outfit, and looked at his bag in the hallway. He'd take the umbrella: it may rain, and he wasn't about to be caught in it. He'd resolved not to do any more heroing today, for sanity's sake, but if that damn dragon were to do something, it would be his fault. He wanted to be armed, just in case. In that case, he decided, he'd slip his pen in his pocket, to. He did so. He checked out his face in the mirror: yup, looking good in that tophat, Tom.

He stepped out of his home, went to the street, and hailed a passing taxi.

"Telecorp Towers, thanks."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Herr Mullen - 06-18-2007, 03:15 AM