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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Seeing the rat creature take off at speeds that he couldn't hope to reach, Jack simply shrugged and returned to the tree. He looked up at Sanya and said, there's probably a batter chance of finding someone or.. something in the more heavily wooded areas. I'm gonna to suit up and check it out.

Walking back to his truck, Jack could find that there were still people milling about. He knew he couldn't simply crawl into the bed and get inside his armor under the bed cover, he needed to find someplace where he could do it unseen, and preferably close to the more heavily wooded area of the park. Starting up his truck, he pulled out and drove around the park a bit, on the way, he saw something that nearly caused him to have an accident, a young woman that looked like a goth, vampire hooker. The sight held his vision for several seconds before he could drag his eyes back to the road to see the need to slam on his brakes.

Shaking the provocative image out of his mind, he saw the perfect spot to pull in, a small lot in the park, close to the wooded areas, and sparsely populated. Pulling in, and making sure no one would see, he pulled the armor pieces out of his truck bed, and and suited up. Once his armor was turned on and ready, he carefully walked into the more thickly wooded area, making his way to the center, on the lookout for more dimensionally displaced peoples.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Kavaan - 06-17-2007, 10:29 AM