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DAMN THEM!! (Don't read if you don't like cursing)
This is always my advice to people with parental problems: get a student loan and move out.

Yeah, you might be in debt, but the freedom you get from not living under mom n' dad's collective thumb is pretty liberating for people that clash regularly with their parents. You're 20, so they technically cannot ban you from doing whatever you like with your own money and belongings. But, while living in their house and driving their car, you are subject to their rules regarding both.

So your options are: a) suck it up, live by their rules at the expence of a functional relationship with them or b) move away, at financial expense to yourself, but while dramatically improve the quality of your relationship with your parents.

Besides, it's never too early to start building up some credit.

Messages In This Thread
RE: DAMN THEM!! (Don't read if you don't like cursing) - by senjuro - 06-07-2007, 10:31 AM