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Sora and Jun
Chapter 7: Christmas time (or how to mend a broken relationship without really trying) act 2

The dinner hour had started...but, it was silent. Yolei decided not to say anything about her talk with Jun....Kari decided that now wasn't the best time to tell exactly what happened with her and Sora. Jun, was just as silent as ever, and Sora was even more silent. This deafening silence was killing everybody, until...

Man on radio: It's Christmas eve! I hope that you're spending time with your loved ones this year.
Woman on radio: That's right Tom, Christmastime is a special time of year to look towards new beginnings.
Yolei: Well, this silence is killing me.
Sora: (softly) Yeah I know. Yolei, may I talk to you in private please?
Yolei: Sure
(Yolei and Sora leave from the table, as they enter the master bedroom, Jun begins to cry again)
Kari: Come here, (takes Jun in a hug) thatta girl.

***In the master bedroom***

Yolei: Sora, now do you see why Tai left you in the first place?
Sora: Yes, I do.
Yolei: I already know what Kari reminded you of.
Sora: She gave you the details?
Yolei: No, remember the crest of love you have?
Sora: (sheepishly) Oh, Oh yeah.
Yolei: You've got to mend this relationship, or you'll end up an old maid for life.
Sora: Alright. Can I be alone for a minute?
Yolei: Sure.
(as Yolei leaves the room, Sora plops down on the bed)

***********Dream sequence**********

Sora daydreams about being an old maid. She was about to get a very rude awakening.

***At the Digidestend 30 year reunion***

T.K. So, I met a girl and sure enough I ended up with a teen-age son who acts like me and Matt.
Matt: Now, way, my daughter...she acts like mom.
T.K. Well, you better keep her in lockdown.
Matt: Can't she'd do it behind my back anyway.
T.K.: Oh, alright then.
Tai: I wonder what ever happened to Sora?
Jun: I don't know.
Yolei: I do, Jun remember after you left her after christmas break?
Kari: It happend 30 years ago.
Jun: Oh, yeah. I ended up getting back together with Matt anyhow.
Matt: Yeah, I never heard from her neither.
Davis: Well, I heard she sold the her flower shop, and checked into a mental hospital...of course it's all rumor.
Kari: Well, could be...but, I'll find out eventually.
Ken: I don't think she found anybody yet.
Yolei: I told her to stop her evil ways.
Tai: It isn't your fault you and Kari did all you could have done.

***Meanwhile in a super dark alley***

Sora: (drunkenly) I....I...I hate the world. (she vomits, and then passes out. )
J.P.: Who's that.
Zoey: Let's get out of here...she stinks on ice.
J.P.: Wait a minute (pulls out a digivice similar to the D-3) It says this chick's Sora one of the Odaiba Chosen.
Zoey: What happened to her?
J.P.: Apparently, she hadn't been true to the crest of love, and when needed in battle, her Byomon died.
Zoey: And the crest?
J.P.: It got destroyed, and the group shunned her.
Zoey: Why is she on the streets.
J.P.: Well, since she had a child out of wedlock, her mother adoped the child and kicked her out.
Zoey: Wow, what should we do?
J.P.: We'll have to leave her.
Zoey: Wait! (Dials police and paramedics) They'll be here in a moment.

***At the hospital***

Doctor: Well, I'm glad those kids brought you in here! You would have died from drowning!
Sora: Drowning?
Doctor: Yes, in your own vomit. Also, I'm suprised that your liver's not damaged by the amount of booze you drank.
Sora: Well, I only drink heavily when, I feel like it.
Doctor: Is it often.
Sora: Not very, only when I think about the past.
Doctor: Do you have a place to stay?
Sora: NO! I'VE LOST EVERYTHING!! (Starts crying)

********Back to reality*******

Sora Snaps back into reality, realizing what she has to do.

***Back in the guest bedroom***

Sora: (Thinking) Do I want to risk everything? Is it even worth it?
Yolei: Are you alright?
Sora: Yeah, I just realized what I have to do.
Yolei: Good for you.

Sora decided to make Jun the happest girl for her. So, first she went to town to buy some wine. Second, she also bought a romantic movie that she and Jun first watched when they started going together. Also, she brought The Sakura DIaries (well, it was considered porn by the standards of those who actually watched it). Then, she bought some roses (de-thorned) of course. FInally, she brought an appology card for Jun. Sora was praying that this was gonna work. Sora then returned to to cabin to find Yolei and Kari were goin' at it like rabbits...on the couch.

Yolei: Sorry, didn't see you come in.
Kari: Well, We will go some where else.
Sora: I have an Idea, they have a love motel in the town...Why don't you go there tonight?
Yolei: Perfect! Kari let's get dressed and ready to go.
(Yolei and Kari took a shower, separately, threw on some clean clothes, and left for town)
Sora: I wonder where Jun's at. (walks to the bedroom) I forgot, it's only 8 o'clock at night.
(Jun stirs)
Sora: I'd better get out of here now.
(Jun takes a shower, and puts on some pajamas)
Jun: It's been a while since I'd gotten any respect...even Davis treated me better than that.
Sora: (behind Jun) Hey, Jun.
Jun: What do you want?
Sora: Well, I'd like to appologize for...well...every bad thing that I done to you. Let me make it up to you.
Jun: Alright, remember, you're supposed to he the power of love, not the other way.
Sora: You're right.
Jun: Where's Yolei and Kari?
Sora: They were at it again.
Jun: I miss those days, when we were at it like a couple of Garurumon.
Sora: Well, don't get out of those pajamas, go sit down, and I'll be right out.
(Minutes later, Sora reappears wearing her pajamas, also have the items in hand.)
Sora: (kissing Jun on the cheek) For you.
Jun: Thank you!
Sora: Now we unscrew this (unscrews aluminium cap) , pour in a glass, and were off.
Jun: YAY!!
Sora: I'd thought you like that.

Now after the entire bottle of wine was demolished by Jun, who can hold her liquor well, and Sora, who also can take her liquor well. They watched the first romantic movie, then got to The Sakura Diaries. That movie was quickly discarded and they went to the bedroom. Sora, and Jun lay together, just talking untill the situation that Sora didn't want to come up, came up.

Jun: I got a question for you. Do you still love me?
Sora: I...I...I don't know.
Jun: Either yes or no.
Sora: It's not that easy for me, the way I treated you.
Jun: Well...
Sora: I should have thought about it before, huh?
Jun: Yes.
Sora: Well...
(Jun plants a kiss on Sora. Sora is taken back, but returns the kiss.)
Sora: Why?
Jun: I still love you, no matter what.
Sora: Even though, I gave you all of those beatings.
Jun: I was considering suicide.
Sora: No...
Jun: But, Davis talked me out of it.
Sora: Now Davis knows?
Jun: Yes, even though he's younger, he understands.
Sora: Wow, which would explain why my relationship with Tai didn't work.
Jun: Yes. (Grabs Sora and takes her into a deep passionate kiss)
Sora: (breaks the kiss) I don't know what to say!
Jun: I do, you're forgiven. (cups her hand over Sora's breasts)
(Sora moans with pleasure)

Jun undresses herself and Sora. Jun runs her hands down Sora's soft skin sending her into a whole new world of love. Jun then proceeds to put her hand in Sora's forbidden treasure. Sora arched back when Jun found her clit. Sora returned the favor as she gave Jun the same treatment. Sora and Jun went on like this for a few minutes...and they both rolled over in an orgasm. Yolei and Kari came back later to see the two lovers

Messages In This Thread
Sora and Jun - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:26 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:31 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:35 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:49 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:06 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:26 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:30 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:34 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 03-29-2004, 03:56 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-30-2004, 02:31 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 03-31-2004, 02:46 PM