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Sora and Jun
Chapter 6: Christmas time. (Or how to stop an abusive relationship without really trying) act 1

Christmas vacation was here, that is no school for two whole weeks. Yolei's Parent's thought it be wise to send her, Kari, and a couple of guests to a winter cabin by themselves...meaning, no parents, no supervision, and a hell of a lot of liquor. After the Inoues dropped off the The Couple here was a couple of instructions.

Mr. Inoue: Clean up after yourselves, and please, don't make asses of yourselves.
Mrs. Inoue: (punches Mr. Inoue in his arm) What your father means is if you drink, you'll both "pay the penalty".
Mr. Inoue: What she said. (thinking) SHIT THAT HURTS!
Yolei: Don't worry, besides, you both'll have the house turned upside down....did you bring.
Mr. Inoue: The christmas gifts, oh almost forgot, let me get them from the car (leaves for the car).
Mrs. Inoue: Now girls, all of the parents involved are putting their trust in you.
Kari: It's bad when trust is broken.

Mr. Inoue: You're right (Kari and Yolei take the gifts and put them under the tree) trust is a very huge thing...even when I was your age.
Mrs. Inoue: Anyway, who'd you invite?
Yolei: I totally forgot about that!
Kari: Don't Worry, I invited a couple of old friends up. (The Motomiyas pull up in driveway).
Mr. Motomiya: (Carry half of the Christmas gifts) Alright, girls, now these are our hosts, and we've split the cost of this cabin for...
Mrs. Motomiya: (Carring other half of the Christmas gifts) You've got freedom for two weeks, so don't ruin it.

Yolei was suprised to find who was the mystery couple that Kari had invited. It was none other tha Jun and her mate Sora, who...even by Tai's definition of lame...was beyond lame. When Tai wen out with Sora for a shot while, she tried to control him in everything possible. Tai, however, and as his male ego won't allow, broke it off. Well, he still has a restraining order against her. Jun was the opposite (and to the contrary of what Davis believes) was quite soft-spoken and shy. Not to forget, she was also easily manipulated, so Sora took advantage when Matt broke it off with Jun.

The Parents: Good bye, have a nice time, be safe.
The Children: Alright, good bye, have a nice trip back.
(the parents leave, and Kari closes the door)
Yolei: What should we do first?
Kari: Let me think for a moment. Yolei, may I speak with you in private?
Yolei: Sure.
(Yolei and Kari step into the kitchen)
Kari: I think that Sora's gonna start some...
Yolei: I know...we'll have to keep an eye on them.
Kari: Right.
(returning from the kitchen, with four sodas)
Jun: Thank you.
Sora: Thank you.
Yolei: You're welcome.
Kari: When did you two meet Jun.
Sora: Well...
Yolei: (elbowing Sora in her ribs, under her breath) Not nice.
Jun: Right after you and Yolei got together....considering the circumstances.
Yolei: Oh, ok, explain them.
Jun: I'd just came off of a relationship with Matt.
Kari: Alright. Sora, how about you?
Sora: Well, it's simple your brother broke up with me.
Kari: Alright. (Looks at clock) Yolei, I think we'd better go to town to pick up some food and supplies.
Yolei: Good Idea. (goes to closet to retrieve her coat, and Kari's as well)
Sora: Well, you guy's be careful...Jun and I'll hold down the fort while you're gone...isn't that right Jun?
Jun: (sags) Right.

Yolei and Kari left for town, with the money they'd save (plus the money their parents gave them) to go and buy food and supplies, however, unknown to them, Sora always mistreated Jun, well to put it lightly Jun was always at a receiving end of a beating...which broke her free spirit, as a submissive. (a kind of slave). Tonight, if it is any indication, Kari and Yolei are about to find out that love isn't about sex at all.

***On a road, coming from town, at the grocery store truck***

Yolei: That was easy, I don't know why I don't do this more often.
Kari: (gives the glare of death) I see.
Yolei: Ohh, forgot sorry.
Kari: (softens the glare) Forgiven.
Truckdriver: We're here! I'll help with the groceries.
Yolei and Kari: Thank you!
Truckdriver: No problem. That's the problem, not enough "please, thank you, and sorry" these days.

After the truckdriver (actually a sixteen-year-old stockboy from town) help them put away the groceries, he noticed an electrical extention cord (the longer, industrial one). He took his tip and left off. Kari and Yolei got suspisious, and went to the spare bed room where the second couple was staying....and to their suprise, shock, dismay, and possibly anger.

Sora: (Over Jun with a raised hand...only to notice Yolei and Kari right there) Humph.
Kari: (moves out of way) Humph.
Yolei: Now what are we gonna do about this?
Kari: I don't know, I just don't know.
Yolei: (Noticing Jun in a fetal position) Oh, boy...I'll talk to deal with Sora.
Kari: I'll do that. (the obligitory glint-in-eye idea)
Yolei: Just don't get violent...please.
Kari: Even worse than that.

****Outside on the cabin's porch****

Sora: So, you're the one to mind other peoples....
Kari: Cut the shit already, take a look at that crest around your neck.
(Sora takes the Crest of Love from her neck)
Kari: Now think about why you got that crest.
Sora: That was when...
Kari: That's right, it was after etemon almost killed you and Tai warped back to this world.
Sora: But...but...
Kari: Also, remember, you got the crest of love because your heart contains the love. What happened?
(Sora is silent)
Kari: Think about that for a while. Still, you don't need to break others down for your own personal gain.
(Sora starts to cry)
Kari: I'll leave you to think.

Kari had brought up a great point. Sora had gotten that crest after Tai saved her from being killed in the pyramid in the desert. Kari was also right in saying that Sora needed to get her prioities straight. The the power of love...not the love of power. meanwhile, inside the cabin...

Yolei: Why do you let her do these things to you.
Jun: It wasn't even like this when we first met, she was sweet and kind untill, she got the lust for power
Yolei: Oh, boy.
Jun: Yeah, even though we share an aprtment, she took control of everything except my school work.
Yolei: When did the beatings happen.
Jun: About two monts ago, it was over STUPID DINNER! (rips the sheets of the bed and starts crying)


Jun, then begin to explain how the physical abuse from Sora began. It was about two months ago, at their Kyoto apartment, and well, Jun had a hard day, well with school, and the chores, and Sora, well, she was wiped. She did everything she'd normally done, except dinner. She ordered Chinese take-out which didn't sit too well with Sora, and well the troubles began.

Sora: What's this.
Jun: You don't like this.
Jun: But...but, Sora
Sora: (smacking Jun clear across the face) BUT NOTHING!!! GET IT RIGHT THE NEXT TIME!!! (smacks Jun clear across her face again)
Jun: I..I'm sorry.
Sora: (Grabbing her by the collar) You should be, you eat this shit. By the time I come for the shower, I'd better have some dinner on the table.
Jun: Yes, Sora.
Sora: Now clean this mess up, you stupid cow!
(Jun procedes to clean up the mess off of the kitchen wall and floor, and proceedes to cook the dinner)
Sora: That's better, Jun. Don't do it again. (makes a smacking motion in the air, causing Jun to flinch, and run away)

****Flash foward****

Yolei: I had no Idea.
Jun: (still sobbing) It got worse about two weeks ago.


Jun then continues to explain the physical abuse, as well as the verbal, to Yolei. Jun, with all of her emotional strenth left, tells about the time Sora got on her case for a super dumb reason...her school work....that is leaving her books on the table when she's not using them. Normally, most wouldn't care, but this was a different situation that a bit out of hand.

Sora: (Flashing Jun's school book) What's this?
Jun: My school books. Is there a problem?
Sora: You bet there's a problem. (creeping towards Jun)
Jun: Wh--Wh--What's the problem?
Sora: First of all, you stupid cow, I'll ask the questions. Second of all what did I tell you about leaving you school books on the table.
Jun: I'm sorry, but, I can't take those in the bathroom with me.
Sora: Bullshit, I don't care if you're takin' a bath with them, keep them out of my site.


Sora: (spots Jun putting her school books away in her backpack) Well, you finally did something right.
(Jun doesn't respond)
Sora: Let me see the thickest book you got.
(Jun hands her the absolute thickest she has, her English book)
Sora: Stand up.
Jun: Yes, Sora. (Stands from the table)
Sora: Turn around, away from me.
(Jun turns facing away from Sora)
Sora: Now, since you didn't respond the last time (Sora hit's Jun in her ass with the book with all her power, Jun falls down)
Jun: What did I do?
Sora: (Raises her hand) BEING STUPID!!! (Starts hitting Jun in her face and holding her down by her throat)
Jun: (Raspy) I...I...don't understand.
Sora: You like getting smart don't you? (takes off her belt, now pull them down)
(Jun pulls down her skirt and panties)
Sora: (Whips her with the belt) Don't mouth off to me again! I am not letting you stay here on your looks, or brains you're just a waste of space.
(Jun starts to tear up)
Sora: (now grabs a wire coat hanger and whips the same afflicted area) Now the next time, do as you're told! Now get out of my face.
(Jun gets up, and walks away, as she went to her room)

****Back to the present****

Yolei: That's Terrible.
Jun: I know, and it got worse and worse and worse from then on.
Yolei: (thinking) Digiegg of sincerity, and love don't fail me now. (aloud) It's your fault too.
Jun: How?
Yolei: Abuse starts when the comments get nasty, and control goes to one person when you don't do anything about it, it gets worse.
Jun: But.....
Yolei: You should have cooled her at the beginning, no person deserves that kind of treatment.
Jun: You're right, thank you.
Yolei: If you need somebody to talk to, just come to me, or Kari, ok?
Jun: (Drying tears) alright.
Kari: (Re-enters the spare room) Well, I had a talk with Sora. I had to remind her of a couple of major things.
Yolei: That's great.
Kari: Get Jun cleaned up, I'll start dinner.
Yolei: Alright. Jun, follow me.
Jun: alright.

Sure enough as Kari started to make dinner, she began to think about the violent start of her and Yolei's relationship...she hopes that under no circumstances she won't have to deal with that. Sora came back, this time with tears in her face. She has realized what Kari had told her...but, was it too late?

Messages In This Thread
Sora and Jun - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:26 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:31 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:35 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:49 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:06 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:26 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:30 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:34 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 03-29-2004, 03:56 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-30-2004, 02:31 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 03-31-2004, 02:46 PM