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Sora and Jun
Chapter 5: Vengance is not a dish best served at all.

Sora was very pissed with Jun with running off like that. However, she wasn't able to hit Jun as she would because, both Izzy, and Tai were there. Tai, didn't like Sora's controlling attitude, and Izzy, definately didn't like her attitude, or her treatment of women.

Sora: So, it's how I deal with her that's my business.
Tai: Fuck that! She's been not herself lately, and I had to tell Davis.
Izzy: Just be greatful, he doen't hit out of anger.
Sora: Just be greatful I don't kick your ass!
Tai: Oh, really, I'm willing to go to jail for killin you....
Izzy: So would I, Tai, but not best course of action.
Sora: You're both a couple of pussies.
(Tai rases up to go and strike Sora, but Izzy, though a computer geek, holds him back)
Izzy: Tai, cool it!
Tai: (no looking like an egg could be fried on his forhead) I soon as she appologizes.
Sora: Go fuck yourself!
Tai: You know what, Izzy? Let's just go, she's an ignorant bitch!
Izzy: I concur.
(Tai and Izzy leaves, as the phone rings)
Sora: Hello.
Davis: (over the phone) Yeah, it's me Davis, answer me one question.
Sora: Sure.
Davis: What the hell are you smokin'?!? I'd been out on the street if I ever hit Jun.
Sora: Why is it your business?
Davis: Because she's my sister, ok.
Sora: Yeah, Yeah!
Davis: Anyway, Your mother, My mother, Kari's mother, and Yolei's mother have a grand idea.
Sora: What's that? (sarcastically) I reluctantly ask.
Davis: Shut it, smart-ass! You've won a trip to a christmas vaction in the cabin!
Sora: When?
Davis: In two month's time, maybe you're attitude'll be adjusted then.
Sora: Alright, see ya. (slams the phone down)

Sora at this point didn't have a care. Jun came back, waiting for Sora to start beating her like a government mule, and Sora did just that. After that, Jun decided, to lock herself inside the bathroom. She wanted to end her life right then and there, so she spotted a razor blade.

Jun: (crying) Well, she can't beat a dead corpse. (then noticing a pill bottle) This'll be painless.
(Jun downs the entire bottle of pills and falls into a deep coma, when Sora kicks in the door)
Sora: Get up you stupid bitch. (feels for a pulse, but doesn't get one) SHIT (runs to call an ambulance)
Operator: Emergency:
Sora: Help, my roomate's downed a whole bottle of prescription pills!
Operator: Holy Shit! We'll get an ambulance there right now!!
(five minutes later an ambulance comes and get's Jun on a stretcher, and rushes her to the hospital)

***at the hospital, Davis, Sora, and Yolei are there***

Yolei: I hope she's alright, there's no way, I'd done that.
Davis: Well, as Sora, she knows everything.
Sora: I don't know really.
Yolei: Alright, then.
(Doctor Ootori enter's the waiting area)
Dr. Ootori. Mr. Motomiya, you're sister's very lucky to be alive!
Davis: Doctor, why did she down those pills?
Dr. Ootori: Suicide attempt.
Davis and Yolei: WHAT YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS?!?
Dr. Ootori: Nope, I'm deadly serious...apparently, she's not liking her relationship with somebody.
Davis: (looking dead at Sora) I have an Idea who.
Dr. Ootori: Well, I suggest you and Yolei go and see her...she won't see Sora now.
Davis: Alright. Come on Yolei.
Yolei: What are we going to tell Kari
Davis: We don't, she'll be mega worried, ok?
Yolei: Understood.

Jun tells Yolei and Davis what she'd done and why she wanted to do it. Yolei broke down, cried, and ran off for Kari. Davis softly admonished her, but then made this quite unusual...

Davis: Why don't you come home with us for two months, ok?
Jun: Why, you'd just...
Davis: I wouldn't just hurt you on the fly you know.
Jun: (listless) uh-huh
Davis: Please promise me you won't try to take your life, ok?
Jun: I promise, Davis.
Davis: Good, and if your gonna stay with Sora, I'll stay there too, so she won't get ideas.
Jun: Thank you.
Davis: No problem.
Jun: Davis, promise not to tell anyone.
Davis: Already did, and made Yolei promise the same thing.
Jun: Thanks.

Davis and Sora both take their leave from the hospital. The only words that were spoken was the forced promise...and the fact that Davis well be living there for two monts. Sora's plans for domination were out of the window as Jun returned from the hospital the next day. However, two months later, in a cabin at a mountain, All things will come full-circle.

Messages In This Thread
Sora and Jun - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:26 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:31 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:35 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:49 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:06 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:26 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:30 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:34 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 03-29-2004, 03:56 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-30-2004, 02:31 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 03-31-2004, 02:46 PM