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Sora and Jun
Chaper 3: I Dont Have to Keep My Hands to Myself!

It was Saturday, that was the good news. The bad news for Jun, she was bored out of her mind...she finished the house work...and she started to prepare dinner for her and Sora. It was ony going to be another fifteen minutes untill dinner was done. After she finished preparing the dinner...and putting her schoolbooks away, Sora just entered.

Sora: Hey, what smell's so good?
Jun: (Sets down the plates of dinner with the sides) (Flatly) Dinner's ready.
Sora: Well, gee, you're little miss sunshine today.
Jun: Sorry, housework, and schoolwork'll do that to a was work?
Sora: It was alright...T.K. got a floral boquet for Kari...tryin' to get her back.
Jun: Wait! Didn't Kari get raped by some chick in a dark alley?
Sora: Don't know...if she has...she's keepin' her mouth shut.
Jun: (serving the meal) Karma's a bitch, isn't it
Sora: (Picking up the fork and knife) I'm sure.

Jun and Sora ate dinner silently...and finished off all, but the salad...which was put away for the next day. Jun also decides to clean up the kitchen. However, the next day...Sora's physical abuse would take hold. It all started over dinner...Jun didn't have time to cook, after chores, because, she had to go and help Davis move furniture which took about half of the day. So she decided to order Chinese take out instead.

Sora: What's for dinner??
Jun: Chinese take out.
Jun: Sorry, I had to go and help Davis...
Sora: THAT'S NO EXCUSE!!! (smacks Jun across her face)
Jun: (whimpering) Wha---what's that for?
Sora: (Snatching Jun up from the floor, then hits her repeatedly across the face) I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!
(Jun cries out in Sora throws her on the couch, and chokes Jun)
(Jun is now crying uncontrollably)
(Sora then throws the food on the kitchen wall, it splatters all over the place)
(sora throws her shoes back on grabs her coat..and closes the door)
Jun: What did I do to deserve this???
(Jun cleans up the mess, and saves the food that survived for her dinner)
Jun: I need somebody to talk to right now. (starts to cry again)
(Izzy knocks on the door)
Jun: Come in Izzy.
Izzy: Hey, how's it going Jun?
Jun: Shitty, would describe it.
Izzy: ?????

Jun explained everything to Izzy, who was deservedy pissed when he heard about it. Even though, he's a computer whiz...he won't let anyone push him...or anybody else around. He knew he'd have to talk to Sora seriously. He took his leave after a few minutes. An hour later, Sora came back to find a battered Jun sitting at the table with the surviving food that was thrown in anger.

Sora: What the hell, you still doing up?
(Jun starts crying)
Sora: Go to bed!
(Jun runs off crying to her bedroom and locks the door)
(Phone rings)
Sora: Hello?
Tai: (on phone) Sora, shame on you!! Beating up on Jun like that!!!
Sora: Who told you?
Tai: Izzy, did...he's talked to Jun...and you have some nerve...putting your needs above Jun's.
Sora: That...
Tai: Name callin's not gonna get you go and appologize.
Sora: Why should I?
Tai: Because, If Mrs. Motomyia....let alone Davis find out...
Sora: Alright, bye!
(Sora bangs down the phone handle and goes to bed)

Jun, cried herself to she was greatful that Sora didn't hit her in her eye. Also, she was greatful, that she was still living after that attack. Jun was now feeling more like a slave....than a lover. Sora, now had a lust for power, that if left unchecked, would negate her crest of love.

Messages In This Thread
Sora and Jun - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:26 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:31 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:35 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 04:49 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:06 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:26 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:30 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-28-2004, 05:34 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 03-29-2004, 03:56 PM
[No subject] - by wargreymon16121 - 03-30-2004, 02:31 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 03-31-2004, 02:46 PM