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Review this story, or else!
My comments: This is an old lemon of mine from over 3 years ago. When I originally posted it on DAD it was only half of this current story. The series were interactive where when the people who'd answer questions, the story would be altered depending on the majority of votes. Look bellow for questions.

Because this is in the universe I've created (Or should I say; which Mariamon has created) it isn't like the original Digimons. You'll notice the differences quite soon, I'm sure.

Feed me honey -Digimon lemon by MISTER BIG T
Commissioned lemon from a guy named Lord Patamon. It goes into this parallel Digimon universe, which continues from where the "Destruction" series leaves us. The parallel universe is much more peaceful than "Destruction" universe... Or so it seems for now...

1st lemon in D.I.G.I series

The alarm bell began ringing at 7:30 am. Patamon yawned and pulled the sheet over his head, while trying to fall back to sleep. Gatomon's eyebrows twitched, as the clock was still ringing and it was getting louder and louder each passing moment. Gatomon finally growled and punched the clock and it broke down, when it hit the floor.

Two hours later...

"Mmmm.... What time is it?" Patamon asked while giving a yawn.

"I don't know..." Gatomon mumbled, half asleep.

Suddenly Patamon realized it was late and jumped up "Oh! My work must be starting soon! Why didn't the alarm bell ring??"

Gatomon blushed a little but did not dare say a word.

"Forget it, I have no time. I have to miss the breakfast now..." Patamon groaned.



Patamon built his confidence few moments before entering into the huge office from the double doors. Ken was sitting behind his huge desk in his throne like chair. He looked Patamon from behind his shades and brushed his hair aside, as the Digimon approached his desk.

"Sir? I was told that you wanted to talk to me," Patamon spoke to his superior.

Ken relaxed more into his office chair and placed his feet on the table "Ah, yes. You overslept again? Or were you just missing your work intentionally?"

"I don't know why but the bell didn't ring!" Patamon tried to defend himself.

"I understand. Maybe I have mistreated you up to this point. Go and report to the Co. Manager for your new assignment," Ken talked to him with a stern tone in his voice.

Patamon gave a painful groan "Ungh... Again? It's only been couple of days since I had to fight against a Weregarumon! I still hurt all over my body when I barely move...

"Maybe so, but I have received calls from this wealthy family wanting to get rid of this Agumon which is scaring their dogs. It shouldn't be too hard, even for someone like you," Ken told to Patamon.

"Ungh... Ok I guess I have no choice..." Patamon replied with another painful groan.

Patamon walked out from his manager's office. He was a Digimon hunter or Digi assassin or part of D.I.G.I; you pick the one you like to use. His rank was merely one and half stars so far, which was anything but an achievement to brag about. And he got the whole star from Ken, just because he had accidentally stumbled against this horrible hag who had been trying to flirt with Ken during one party; making her angry and slap Patamon and leave the party; thus saving Ken's ass. Giving a sigh he put on his visor and looked at his radar for the location of the Agumon whom was causing all the trouble.



The Agumon was looking at the dog kennel. Such a beautiful species, such great meal they would make. Agumon grinned, revealing his white teeth. Carefully opening the cage, he took one of the dogs out of it and was just about to take a bite, when Patamon who was performing a headbutt hit him into his belly. Agumon groaned and dropped the dog to ground, which ran away.

"Son of a bitch... Why did you do that?!" Agumon cursed.

"Because what you are doing is wrong. Also because I'm getting paid from doing so," Patamon replied.

"For money??" Agumon spat with despising tone of voice.

"Can you think of a better reason?" Patamon jokingly asked.

Saying this, Patamon shot green wind towards Agumon, hitting against his chest and making the dinosaur collapse to ground.



Patamon was in the "award room", getting his honors with several other Digimon who had completed their missions.

"Gah, today's job... Half of a star. That means, I have a massive amount of two stars," Patamon groaned.

Renamon smirked "Hah, that's not even nearly as great as my score."

"Shut up, bitch. I have not been in this business as long as you have. Besides, we both know why Ken does give you so many stars..." Patamon mocked her with a cocky smile on his face during the last part.

Renamon blushed and exclaimed, "How dare you! I have only slept with him four times this week!"

"...It's Tuesday," was the only thing Patamon could say.

Renamon poked her tongue out.

"So, what's your star amount anyway?" Patamon asked.

"Ummmm, about 295?" Renamon pondered out loud.

Patamon was truly amazed as he replied "Wow!! Five more and you will receive a new rank!"

"Yeah, then I will be major just like Deathromon was," Renamon agreed.

"The great Deathromon...." Patamon muttered silently.

Moment of silence.

"Uuhh, well boost your stars. I may give you some tips if you need them," Renamon finally said.

"Thanks, I guess... But I really need to go back home. Gatomon is probably waiting for me already," he replied.

Just as Patamon was about to leave, he stumbled against Terriermon who was accompanied by Biyomon twins. Patamon knew what would soon follow; it'd be the very same thing that Terriermon would always do ever since they were kids. Bring out bunch of bimbos and act like he's the king of the world.

"Oh look. They have a low level candidate open door days today?" Terriermon joked which was followed by the twins giggling.

Patamon gave a painful groan as he replied, "Just shut the fuck up."

"Why don't you make yourself useful and make me a cup of coffee?" Terriermon mocked him.

The twins giggled in a union "Ooh, Terriermon! You are so dominating!"

"Make your own coffee. I'm not your servant," Patamon hissed.

"Maybe not yet but someday I will literally own this whole company and then you will be sorry that you always disobey me," Terriermon mocked Patamon even further.

"I'd rather be cleaning the streets than be licking your ass. I bet it'd be the cleaner one too," Patamon replied.

Terriermon shook his head as he spoke "Just the kind of response I would expect from you. You do have courage, I admit. It's such a shame you must be so damn stubborn."

"I'll stop it at the moment you stop acting like a 12 year old brat," Patamon laughed.

Forcefully pushing himself some space, Patamon was finally able to leave the HQ and return home after 'long day at workä. Patamon never got long missions due to his low rank. Ironically, without getting any long missions, your rank will never increase much. It's a never-ending cycle with the only escape being a suck up to Ken.

Inside their house, the very moment he stepped inside, Gatomon jumped into his arms and hugged him strongly. It was very hard, but he managed not to fall to his back from the sudden move.

"How was your day?" Gatomon asked.

"It was great but I'm really starved now," Patamon whimpered.

Gatomon purred and rubbed her head against his chest "Would you like if I would make you a dinner in bed?"

"Could you please?" Patamon asked as smile began appearing on his face.

"Of course, you're my favorite mon," Gatomon giggled.

Patamon nodded his head "Thank you, that's so sweet of you. Yes, I would love it."

"Go there, take off all your work clothes, and just relax. I'll do everything, you don't have to worry about a thing," she told him.

Patamon ascended the stairs to their bedroom. Jumping to their big comfy bed, he began taking off his work clothes and placed them beside his bed. He put his hands over his head and gave a yawn and looked at his gut that had once again grown. He should train a lot more if he would want some respect from his colleges. But he never went to the gym or the training facility. That would be the thing Patamon would regret very soon in his life...

Gatomon soon came inside, carrying a deep plate filled with honey.

"Honey? That's uhhh... It will leave us hungry if we eat only that. Not to mention it being too sweet to consume as it is..." Patamon protested.

"Don't worry. I have a great idea how to eat it, without getting sick of its taste," Gatomon told him.

Gatomon reached her paw into the plate and took some of the honey while rubbing it over her tits, and her nipples and covering them with the golden shining honey. Patamon licked his lips, as Gatomon came closer and brought her boobs closer to his face. While gently taking hold of her back, Patamon began licking her boobs thus cleaning the honey and sucking it off from her nipples. Gatomon moaned and bit her finger while looking at Patamon with dreamy eyes.

"Mmm, now... Some more..." she purred.

Gatomon reached her hand towards the plate again, this time taking a handful of honey and pouring it over her tummy, inner thighs, and her pussy. Patamon's head wings began flapping from he excitement, as he lowered his face and began licking the honey from her belly button and her genital area.

"Come give some of it to me too," Gatomon murmured.

Patamon brought his face close to hers and gave her a deep kiss, which ended with a trail of honey coming down from both of their mouths.

"It tastes so good..." Gatomon whimpered, while licking her lips.

"Yes... Thank you, this is the greatest meal I have ever had," Patamon spoke while smiling.

"No, thank YOU for eating it," Gatomon giggled.

They both laughed a little and then, Patamon reached down to the plate taking some of the honey himself. He rubbed some of it over his shaft, which was coming to the sight from his pouch, as he made it shine with a mixture of honey and precum.

"Would you like to taste some too?" he asked.

"Oh yes..." Gatomon purred.

Having said that she brought her lips to the honey covered cock and licked the whole length of Patamon's erect cock, while gently rubbing it. She took the tip into her mouth, while sucking off the precum and the honey drops. Being careful not to miss even a drop of it, the cat Digimon licked around his balls and the pouch too.

"Aaah... Gatomon.... Gatomon my love... Mmm..." Patamon murmured.

"Patamon.. My dear.. Come... Come to me..." Gatomon moaned.

Gatomon lied on her back, while smiling and spreading her legs at him. She gave a complete control of herself to him but it was because she was able to trust him, just as much as she loved him. Patamon crawled on top of her while inserting his dick into her waiting cunt and making her gasp from its size. This wasn't their first time but maybe the excitement had made Patamon become even more erect than usual? If so, she would do this everyday for the rest of their lives from now on.

Moaning as her pussy was filled from her lover's hot cock, Gatomon arched her back in a pleasure. Patamon took hold of her feet and pushed them to the sides, making more of him able enter into her. She looked at the ceiling with dreamy eyes while cumming against his hot dick. But she was not alone, as Patamon gave a huge scream of joy, as he came into Gatomon's wet pussy thus filling her womb with his hot semen.


As the two were going back to the bed, they had a conversation, which would change the lives of both of them forever...

"You were great earlier," he finally said.

"Yeah, you were too," Gatomon purred.

"Really? I'm glad," Patamon replied.

Uncomfortable moment of silence.

"Ummm... Did you see Renamon today?" Gatomon finally asked.

Patamon was surprised from the question but answered "Yeah. We are getting along better than before."

"I see.." Gatomon silently said.

Another moment of silence that seemed to last even longer.

"Gatomon, wh-" Patamon was just about to ask, when he was cut short.

"Do you ever fantasize about other Digimon than me?" Gatomon asked.

Patamon couldn't hide his surprised expression "What? Why do you ask?"

"Please... Just answer me." Gatomon kept pestering to him of the answer.

Patamon was silent for longest time and finally answered a simple "No."

"I see..." she said while looking down as sort of sad.

"Do you?" he asked.

Almost instantly Gatomon came up with "Yes."

"What?? Uhhh, I mean... It must be normal after us having been together for so long. Who are you dreaming of?" Patamon questioned.

"You don't want to know..." Gatomon replied with a sad tone in her voice.

Patamon smiled and gently poked her cheek "Yes, I do. I want to know who's lucky enough to have some of your attention. Tell me. Maybe I can be just like he is."

"Terriermon," she confessed.

There was a silence as Patamon was just staring in moment of shock, who didn't know what to say or do. The silence was finally broken with an ear splitting Patamon "FUUUCK!" scream, which echoed long into the night....


Patamon was pacing around the bedroom; his head filled with an emotion that was a mixture of both anger and sadness.

"Gatomon, don't you love me?" Patamon questioned her.

"Yes, I do," Gatomon, answered.

"If you would truly love me, you wouldn't even think of anyone else that way," he said.


"Gatomon... What is so good about him anyway?" Patamon asked while looking directly at her.

Gatomon shrugged "I don't know, there just is something in him that excites me. But you're still the only guy I ever truly need."

"Gatomon, I..." Patamon started to say when suddenly the phone began ringing. "What I'm trying to say is..." Patamon tried to tell, when the phone rang again.

"Hold on, I'll go answer it first," Gatomon said.

Gatomon went to it and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she spoke to the phone.

"Hello, Gatomon? Is your husband at home?" Ken's voice questioned.

Gatomon sighed heavily "Yeah. But this is a very terrible time to call. Could he call you back?"

"This line is unreachable. I want him to come at the HQ in ten minutes, otherwise he will lose his job," he calmly stated.

Gatomon was shocked as she exclaimed "Ten minutes??? It's on the other side of the town!"

But Ken had already hung up. After a small second, Gatomon did too, although she still could not believe it. Shocked from this Gatomon ran as fast as she could into the bedroom.

"Something urgent came up. You have to return to HQ, " she quickly explained.

Patamon rubbed his jaw as he pondered out loud "What could it be?"

"I don't know but you have ten minutes to get there or you will be fired!" Gatomon told to him.

Patamon was shocked "Ten minutes?! I need to take the shortcut in that case then..."



Patamon had won at least four minutes by using the secret shortcut he had discovered once when playing as a kid. However, even then he would have to go at full speed all the way. He drove so fast, that he never saw the Biyomon twins observing him from the bushes and then going towards the home of Pata and Gato.

The brakes in Patamon's bike screamed and he jumped off from it and began running at the HQ as fast as he could. Finally he got to the office of Ken. Before entering, he looked at his wristwatch. There were still two more minutes left. Giving a sigh of relief, he entered the room where Ken was waiting for him.

"Patamon, I have been informed you seem to disrespect your co-workers?" Ken questioned him.

"You mean Terriermon?" Patamon asked.

Ken stood up from his chair "I'm not talking only about him. I have received numerous complaints about you not listening to your superiors or the advises given to you."

"But...." Patamon began to protest, when he was cut off short.

"No, excuses won't do this time. See, I'm really starting to lose my patience with you and your lack of skills and respect," Ken told him.

Patamon tried to desperately think of something "What about the Agumon I just captured?"

"That's a good beginning. And I'm not entirely without a heart for you. I'm going to give you one last chance. If you however screw up now, there is no one saving you, do you understand?" Ken questioned Patamon.

"So... What do I need to do?" Patamon inquired.

Ken sat back to his chair "I have gotten several reports, that when some couples, Digimon or humans, have been walking in the central park, some of them have mysteriously disappeared and are never to be found again," Ken explained.

"Disappearing case? Hmmm, interesting," Patamon, mumbled.

"The families are willing to pay big time for this. And if you do this well, you will not only save your job, you will get 20 stars,� Ken spoke up.

"20 stars! I would go up in rank!" Patamon replied in awe.

Ken was amused of Patamon's reaction "Yes. No more low life catching or small jobs. You would get good missions finally."

"Sure! This is a great honor, thank you so much Ken!" Patamon spoke while hardly able to contain his excitement.

As Patamon had left the room, Ken turned around in his chair and relaxed a little.

"Boss, it's Miss Renamon and she has come for the job offer," a voice from his intercom said.

"Send her in," he answered.


Renamon walked into the room and bowed her head.

"I will do as you want but I want to achieve two new ranks by doing so," she told him.

Ken smiled "Well, if I'm gonna do that.... I'd need some convincing..."

"What you mean?" she questioned.

He smiled at her and suddenly placed her hands on her buttocks.

"You know exactly what I mean, I didn't even bother putting my underwear on today," Ken told her.

"Ok... Just a little, it's that time of the month again," Renamon replied.

She moved her hands over his crotch and felt around his dick, which was already starting to harden. Slowly, she began kissing his chest, his belly, while moving her head lower and lower, finally stopping over his crotch. She opened his zipper with her teeth, making the erect penis of Ken sprung to sight. She took gently hold of it and gave it one big lick, while beginning to undo the buttons in his pants. Ken reached his arms down to help her get them off, and soon Ken's whole lower body was naked. Renamon resumed her job by taking the tip of the dick into her mouth and licking on it. While tasting it, she reached down and gently massaged his balls; thus adding more pleasure to him.

"Ok, I'm ready. Do it," he bluntly said.

Renamon removed the dick from her mouth, making a trail of her saliva stick all over its head. As she came closer, she lowered her top and moved her magnificent DD cups around his cock, while rubbing it with them. Finally, she was able to put it in between them and began moving them up and down with her hands. Ken moaned from this awesome sensation and reached his hands down, pinching her nipples. Now was Renamon's turn to moan, as she began doing a rhythm where every time when his cock came to sight, she gave it a small lick. Ken groaned, while rubbing her back, not wanting this moment to ever stop. Sadly, he felt how he was closing his orgasm and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He came hard into the waiting mouth of Renamon, making some of the cum drop over to her boobs.



Gatomon was feeling kind of sad about the whole ordeal earlier. She regretted that she had told about his secret fantasies since it had hurt him so much. After all, she did love him... In desperate try to get her mind out of it, she began preparing him a nice meal, which he could eat after he would return. Beef, boiled vegetables, and a dessert. Gatomon was not aware of it, but her cooking was one of the reasons, why Patamon had began growing some tummy and getting weaker. Suddenly, she heard the door open.

"Dear, did you return already?" she gladly asked, while turning towards the door.

As she looked towards the direction of the door, she saw no Patamon. Instead, what stood before her was the twin Biyomons. They both giggled, as they walked towards her in a near synchronized movement. Gatomon slowly backed away, her hand reaching behind her for something to be used as a weapon. Her hand reached the pot, where she had been cooking the vegetables. She took hold of it and with all her might; she threw all the hot water towards the two. The other twin was able to dodge, but the other one got some of it over her head, which burnt off all her feathers from the right part of her head. She howled in pure pain and fell to the floor twitching in agony, while the other sister rushed to aid her. Suddenly, there was a clapping voice and Terriermon walked into the house.

"Terriermon?! What are you doing in my home?" Gatomon exclaimed.

Terriermon snapped his right hand's index finger as he said, "Ladies, it's ok. Please leave us in private."

The healthy Biyomon helped her injured sister walk away.

"I see that you have much more potential than being a mere housewife," Terriermon laughed while walking towards Gatomon

She was shocked and did not know what to say "What? Did you order them to come here and attack me?"

"They wouldn't have harmed you too much, they would have just tested your powers," he corrected her.

Terriermon laughed a little, which made Gatomon shiver.

"Why would you want to test my powers in the first place?" she finally dared to ask.

"You do know my position, right?" he asked.

"Yes but what does it have anything to do with this?" Gatomon questioned.

Terriermon gave a small laugh "It has everything to do with it. You see, fellow mon, I am becoming the owner of that whole company anytime soon. And I'm looking for strong people to replace the weak ones, such as your dear Patamon."

"Patamon isn't weak! He is so strong, that when we met as kids he-" she yelled, when Terriermon cut her short. "Maybe once he was strong and could have even stood a chance against me in a combat. Maybe *once* he was the better one of us two. But times chance, he has gained weight, lost his strength, and maybe even forgotten how to fight at all?" he explained in a mocking tone of voice.

"That is not true...He's... He's strong..." she whimpered.

Terriermon walked closer to Gatomon "Sorry to break your living in a denial but I'd appreciate if you could give me your answer soon."

"I..." Gatomon began to answer while still confused about everything happening so fast.

To be continued...

Questions for next:

Will Gatomon accept Terriermon's offer?

If not, will there be rape?

Will Patamon catch the person causing dissapearances?

If not, will he really lose his job?

Will the Biyomon twins return in next chapter?
[Image: Seethsig.jpg]

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Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you

Messages In This Thread
Review this story, or else! - by MISTER BIG T - 05-18-2007, 03:03 PM
RE: Review this story, or else! - by Lord Patamon - 05-18-2007, 03:30 PM
RE: Review this story, or else! - by MISTER BIG T - 05-19-2007, 04:51 PM
RE: Review this story, or else! - by Lord Patamon - 05-20-2007, 08:01 AM
RE: Review this story, or else! - by MISTER BIG T - 05-21-2007, 06:04 AM