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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Paperman got out of the halted taxi. "Thank you very much," he said, passing payment.

He looked at the traffic jam and jogged up to the crater caused by the fallen dragon. Tax payers can fix the road, he thought. He watched the van leave. He looked at the officer on his mobile and made a decision. These creatures were not in their own univerce. He walked up to the man, reaching into his jacket.

"Excuse me," he said, pulling out an identity card. "I'm Mr. Saxon, Torchwood secret sevices. Under the Bad Wolf protocol," he clipped open his briefcase, ran a document through the fax putting it into circulation (so if they actually checked for the Bad Wolf protocol, they'd find it, though they would never find any evidence to suggest the existence of Torchwood or of a Mr. Saxon: this was because neither really existed) and then presented the document, "Article 8, if you'd check, I am ceasing control of this operation. I am commandeering this squad car and have jusiticition over the specimins on behalf of the Institute."

The policeman looked over the document, and said to his mobile "Check for validation of Bad Wolf Protocol 10-3, 2005". He wasited, until the lackie on the other end confirmed its existence, Paperman having jsut inserted it into the beaucrasy. If it's written down, it's valid. "Okay, Mr. Saxon. We're trasfering this to you. It's all done, anyway: the lab boys have jsut been in."

"Yeah? Tell the lab boys I'm coming down. And that Mr. Saxon is very annoyed." He climbed into a squad car, lights flashing, and sped after the truck.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Herr Mullen - 05-14-2007, 03:57 AM