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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
"Okay, the same guy who talks of the evils of recklessness and he just runs straight into the path of an oncoming energy weapons of some sort." Jack said. "At least that beam was headed towards the villain guy so one can assume whomever was shooting can be considered friendly... Or just some enemy of his."

Still keeping out of sight of the warring parties around the corner, Jack backed off just enough so that he could get a better look at the source of that energy blast. As before, he beheld someone wearing heavy powered armor, obviously more advanced than his primer gray, mostly home built suit, but he couldn't help but notice a few similarities between a few components here and there. Whatever universe this person came from, Jack guessed that perhaps the Army didn't stop that powered armor project from which his own suit derived.

Police sirens could be heard, and not wanting to make things more complicated and troublesome, Jack ran back in the direction of his truck, hopefully he might find some hiding place to see where things go from there. He noticed a hotel not too far, maybe he could get a room for a while.

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RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Kavaan - 05-13-2007, 07:25 AM