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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
"Mundane? I don't think you've ever been to an office party." Paperman watched the two chaps duke it out a little further. "You know, this really is pathetic." He slipped into silence a little longer. "What you have here, is a guy who's been phycologically and biologically disturbed," he said, indicating blade-arm-boy. "And there you have a guy naturally blessed with powers. What this really is, is just a villian expressing fustration about his life in the only way he feels he can express himself: violence. Then you have the hero who is simply dueling him as an ego trip. This isn't about right and wrong, it's about prooving his worth. Same for the other guy. They are both fustrated with the lot life has given them. You say my work is mundane, yeah? That's what everybody, superhero or not, thinks. Office work is boring. How can anyone seek to succeed within buinesses and organisations that care nothing about their workers? Well, not succeed, but be recognised as a real personality, a person, rather than a means of production? Everyone hates it, except those at the top and those who really believe that they can claw their way up there. But what you see in front of you is not a battle between good and evil: it's two sad and lonely guys beating each other up in order to show off their powers that they may be recognised. All this secret identity stuff? It's an ego trip, a second life in which they are the msot important person in the universe. I've met heros in my time, and do you know what most of them were? Journalists. How conceeted is that? Go out, become front page news, and get a job where its going to be sung about most. That's sad. Really, this is all about ego. I was a little like that, once." He paused in the middle of his speach. "I was not... wise, at that point in my life. You know, down the gay bar drinking myself stupid and shouting "I am a superhero, sleep with me." I'm teatotal, now. I don't want to go into it. But I realsied that heros and villians are not the forces of good and evil. They are individuals, all of them. All of them just seeking to make a dent on the world in the easiest way they can. With their powers." He watched them duel a little more. "Sad."

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RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Herr Mullen - 05-12-2007, 09:54 AM