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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
OOC: Y'know, I have to admit, Herr Mullen, that I thought your character was meant as a parody when I first saw your profile post. But now that I've read your latest post, I realise actually that its really a simplisticly brilliant idea you've come up with ^^;

Chris smirked and nodded. "Too true..." he said, letting his arms hang limply at his sides... almost too limply. He then lashed out with them, now semi-liquid tendrils of metal, trying to snare Onaga in their snake-like grasp. 'I have to get this wacko away from here. If he has even half the power I think he does, then a lot people could be in danger... not to mention the massive collateral damage that might involve.'


Katrina watched the fight between Chris and Onaga from her hotel balcony, having taken a shower and slipped into a bathrobe since Ragweed left. "Hmm... wonder what's got his aluminium panties in a bunch..." she muttered as she continued to watch. "The other guy doesn't look so bad to me..." she smirked, drumming her nails on the railing.

OOC: A new challenger appears!

Name: Conrad Declan
Alias: None. (prefers not to use an alter-ego)
Age: Unknown
Species: Cyborg. (originally human)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
Appearance: In disguise, he looks nothing like nothing more than a young scientist with a pale complexion, shoulder-length blonde hair and bright green eyes. In reality though he his a heavily-modified cyborg, almost as much machine as man. His arms are completely mechanical, built with a smooth rounded shape and painted with a black, matte finish. The rest of his body is dressed in a form-fitting jumpsuit with metal plates protecting what organic parts of his body still remain.
  • Superstrength Class 5 - Able to lift 5 metric tonnes over his head, and throw it approximately 25 feet.
  • Human Machine - Conrad becomes exhausted at about one third of the rate of a normal human.
  • Bulletproof - His metal limbs and plated bodysuit make Conrad immune to firearms of pretty much any calibre.
  • Infect - Conrad's enhanced brain and nervous system allows him to interface with computers, machines, robots and electric locks, breaking into them or reprogramming them in whatever way he sees fit.
  • Disguise - Conrad's superstrong artificial limbs can be replaced with ones with normal human strength, which are coated with an organic substance designed to perfectly duplicate human skin.
  • Computermind - Conrad's brain has been augmented with computer parts, making him more intelligent, able to think faster, and partially immune to psychic attack.
  • Minions - Conrad mentally controls an army of lesser robots which he uses to confront enemies first. He rarely engages in battle himself, and even then uses his strength as a last resort.
  • Perfectionist - Conrad prefers to keep things planned out well in advance. If caught off-guard, Conrad thinks poorly 'on his feet'.
  • Electricity - Conrad's mechanical parts and electric brain make him especially vulnerable to electrical damage and short-circuiting.
  • Tank - Conrad is slow in terms of full-out running speed, despite his strength.
  • Bad Help - Conrad's robot minions aren't particularly bright, fast, strong or accurate. The only thing going for them is their sheer numbers.
Other: You'll find out why Conrad's inportant soon enough.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Calibremon - 05-12-2007, 06:01 AM